The Student Room Group
Day Dream
Hey ppl, im applying to go read maths @ oxford. Is keble college any good? Its onli really caught my eye coz of its location and the frisbee team. Whats so good bout it?

its totally amazing. :p:

Location, location location.

Keble attracts the clever people cos they realise they only have to roll out of bed in the morning. + you have guarenteed accomodation for 3/ 4 years :smile: Lots of nice people, lots of societies, good bar, nice accomodation.

hmm... I wonder which college I go to :p: :rolleyes: :rofl:
Reply 2
lol, what degree u doin there?
Day Dream
lol, what degree u doin there?

Physics :smile: - so I know one or 2 of the mathematicians - although not that well to be honest.
Reply 4
coool lol, my mate's tryna go for a physics degree! Whats the accomodation like? Dyou kno if there is anywhere near that serves halal food? im muslim lol
Day Dream
coool lol, my mate's tryna go for a physics degree! Whats the accomodation like? Dyou kno if there is anywhere near that serves halal food? im muslim lol

Accomodation is good :smile: As I said they can fit you in college for 3 years and in college accomodation (housing outside college) for your entire course. A lot of rooms are en-suite and most are fairly spacious. There are some shared bathrooms but not too many. I share with 1 other which is fine and I get a full size fridge in my room (oh and a sofa :p: ). Price isn't too bad - its comparable with elsewhere anyway. :smile: erm... cant think of anything else obvious. Obviously it has phone and internet connections and the like.

As for food I don't know. I'd be surprised if there isnt someone selling it somewhere in Oxford but I admit I don't know for sure.
As far as I know its really difficult to get either kosher or halal food in Oxford because its so provincial. London and a mini fridge are your best bets.
F1 fanatic
Accomodation is good :smile: As I said they can fit you in college for 3 years and in college accomodation (housing outside college) for your entire course. A lot of rooms are en-suite and most are fairly spacious. There are some shared bathrooms but not too many. I share with 1 other which is fine and I get a full size fridge in my room (oh and a sofa :p: ). Price isn't too bad - its comparable with elsewhere anyway. :smile: erm... cant think of anything else obvious. Obviously it has phone and internet connections and the like.

As for food I don't know. I'd be surprised if there isnt someone selling it somewhere in Oxford but I admit I don't know for sure.

Hmm, are you in deB?
Reply 8
As far as I know its really difficult to get either kosher or halal food in Oxford because its so provincial. London and a mini fridge are your best bets.

There are loads of halal restaurants, takeaways, grocery stores etc. in East Oxford - down the Cowley and Iffley roads.

So that shouldn't be a problem.
Hmm, are you in deB?

I'm in Hayward, to be precise the block next to DeB :smile:
Reply 10
There are loads of halal restaurants, takeaways, grocery stores etc. in East Oxford - down the Cowley and Iffley roads.

So that shouldn't be a problem.

Wikid! thanks lol.
'Morse, do you know what the most memorable College in Oxford is? Keble,
It's the architecture, the most outlandish.....'

It goes something like that anyway!
Reply 12
I'm not sure about halal but somebody mentioned kosher and I know for a fact there's a place in Oxford - like a society - where you can eat kosher because halls can't afford it. I expect there's something similar for halal food - have you tried googling it yet?