The Student Room Group

**** my legs are killing

just went out on the river for the first time today. I feel knackered but its my legs which are causing most pain. Just a constant aching and burning feeling, unlike anything you get in a gym doing squats. Noramlly when you take creatine and lots of whey the 'afterburn' happens the next day and isn't half as bad, but i'm taking both and it still kills.

Anyone know if this will go once i start becoming used to more endurance based excercise? Can i take something to stop it coming as bad or get rid of it completely (glutamine???)? Is it still gonna hurt tomorrow? Will training (rowing) everyday just make it worse?

Sorry if my lacking knowledge of cardio makes you angry.
yeah every day i wake up and my legs are killing me. they've got me round the neck and they won't let go.
Reply 2
was this your first ever rowing outing? if so then firstly congrats on clearly having the right technique (most novices complain their arms hurt rather than the legs, but it should be your legs that do the work!) but also don't worry if you're aching a bit - you're just using muscles you don't usually use!

You're legs are gradually going to get fitter and it will take time. I doubt you've done any damage and you're just feeling a little bit sore. Spray your legs with deep heat for the next few days and continue with gentle exercise. :smile: Keep up with the rowing, it's great fun :biggrin: