The Student Room Group
i like it when that happens! Try closing your eyes next time it happens- you feel like you're going to collapse, its good fun!
I don't know why it happens exactly, but the way to stop them is to think about getting up before you actually do in my experience, I don't know why that happens! I usually get them when I'm a bit dehydrated too.
Actually Im feeling very dizzy suddenly now. Im gonna go and lie down. :frown:
Sometimes its if you have low blood pressure ?
Reply 5
Actually Im feeling very dizzy suddenly now. Im gonna go and lie down. :frown:

Its not anxiety by any chance is it? Maybe your anaemic, try taking an iron tablet daily.
Reply 6
get them loads when i used to lie down on sofa watching tv and then stand up. Wouldnt worry about it.
you're fasting, right? Like someone said earlier about iron defieciency, adjust your diet.
Reply 8
i get that sometimes heh.. no idea why
Reply 9
Everyone has that from time to time when they stand up quickly etc, but if it is happening with unusual frequency, it would be worth taking a trip to your GP so they can check you out (BP etc).

Oh and answer to the post above:
People quite often get those 'head rushs' when they have been lying down for a long time and suddenly stand up. You feel light-headed and sometimes you get tunnel vision for a few seconds. The reason is because when you are lying flat your heart rate slows down because it doesn't have to pump blood against the force of gravity to get it to your brain. When you suddenly stand up, it takes a few seconds for your heart rate to speed up a bit fast and so for those few seconds your brain doesn't recieve 100% adequate blood supply. It is quite normal and happens to most people. But if it is causing a problem and seems to happen all the time then it is worth asking your GP about it. :smile:
Sometimes its if you have low blood pressure ?

yeah it sounds like postural hypotension
i think everyone gets it from time to time, but like someone else has said before, if it happens all the time and its not normal for you then you should perhaps go to your docs
Sometimes its if you have low blood pressure ?

I had that as a result of low blood pressure. Luckily I seem to have grown out of it now.
Hey, it could have something to do with what happened to you the other day! Low iron from lack of blood (or a great loss of blood at least).
Reply 13
I get head rushes too! If you are really fit and have a lower heart rate or if you have a low blood pressure then you will get head rushes. Its normal but not very nice...Just make sure you dont get up too quickly!
Reply 14
Low blood sugar can cause blackouts. Make sure you eat sensibly and regularly. Don't eat loads of sugar cos you'll get a sugar rush then a low.

Standing up too fast makes something go wrong with the pressures in your ears, and this makes you dizzy and black out. If this happens, sit back down and put your head between your legs.

If you're fasting...please don't. It's not good for you.
Lauren Hart
Hey, it could have something to do with what happened to you the other day! Low iron from lack of blood (or a great loss of blood at least).

yeah thats what I thought. Theyre not happening anymore though. Summit else happened last night (they just dont stop :rolleyes: ) lol, I was sick twice, but nothing came out except for loads of very bitter saliva. It was diseased. Ive come to the conclusion, my body inside is diseased and seriously suffering, even 8 glasses of water will not cure it. :p:
Reply 16
I get head rushes quite a bit.

In fact I had a massive on yesterday morning, I jumped out of bed and had such a head rush that I just fell right back onto it. :eek: