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do you use any facial scrubs/creams/lotions, because things like that can prevent sports, even simple things like using a cotton pad and alovera extract stuff which is in a bottle from boots, my gf uses thsi, and it gives her a clean complexion, try it it will de-grease the skin and prevernt build up which will lead to spots, try using some form spot cream like the ones advertised on television. if the spots are not that bad then jsut use some make up of some description to cover it up, my gf uses something called clinique? i think which she dabs on spots nad it sems to maek them go down. that fact she uses make up to cover them anyway so i never notice. but she suggests using the alovera extract on a cotton pad to remove grease from your skin, an remember to do round the back of your neck and ears!
Reply 2
doesn't work, makes them worse- it's probably acne, I still hate the little b*****s though.
Reply 3
Drink lots of water.

Water, and cut down on eating sugary things.
Reply 4
I drink 3 litres a day and don't have any excess sugar (not even in tea-bleugh!!!!)
I went to my GP and he gave me tablets to take for ache... and what can i say... it worked a miracle!! Go to your docter its really worth it! Much better than any old over-the-counter stuff
see your gp, or book a nhs appointment and they can give you antibiotics, and if that doesn't work they can give you laser treatment for free, whereas some people pay 500 quid a go.
Reply 7
Thats well cool does distroying your kidneys for your complexion come for free aswell?
Its just a teenager thing and they will pass! Do you see many adults with acne?
Er, dunno where the killing of the kidneys came in there.

Superdrug do a good antibacterial face wash, its a thick gell and its really good. or you could use dermalogica, its a company who produce really really good products for the skin, their acne prone range really helped to clear up my face, its expensive though, last ages too!

I'd advise you try that, but if it still doesnt work, see a doctor. Just be cautious, some of the pills they put you on (Roacutaine for example) can make you REALLY moody. It is most likely just a teenage thing, its all hormone balance. The Contraceptive Pill can help them to go if its a hormone balance issue thats causing it.

Good luck
oh, and make up and concealer are big instigators of spots, so try and avoid it and definitely dont use it to cover them up! Plus Germolene on bad spots is really good
Reply 10
Lots of fruit and veg will def help. As will avoiding sweets and fast food. Wash your face twice a day and use some form of spot cream beofre you go to bed. And dont stress....stress gives you LOTS of spots. It'll go though, don't worry!
Reply 11
Sunbeds are good for spots...bad for skin cancer though. Try going out in the sun a bit more maybe?
Reply 12
Here we go again. Diet, drinking water or the sun (LOL, not heard this one before) in no way cause or affect spots. I wish people would stop posting this advice, as it's all a myth.
Reply 13
Here we go again. Diet, drinking water or the sun (LOL, not heard this one before) in no way cause or affect spots. I wish people would stop posting this advice, as it's all a myth.

:rolleyes: That's why doctors recommend getting out in the sun to get rid of a few spots.
i can imagine there will be loads of answers to this question. i bet everyone has their own way of dealing it. i found this was a problem when i had bad spots: there was so much confusing advice around.

i find a simple regimen works the best. i use a cream facial wash (i'm told exfoliating washes can be counter-productive as they cause minute scratches to the skin) and once a day apply 5% benzoyl peroxide antibacterial cream.

the best piece of advice i've heard is to not pick and squeeze spots unduly. obviously if you've got one that looks like it urgently needs attention then its probably best to but squeezing a spot that isn't ready can cause scarring and actually cause more spots to occur as the bacteria and pus under the skin spread. i'm told that spots take on average two to three weeks to surface, so any action you take now will take time to work.

if spots get real bad your gp can give you one of several drugs: roaccutane seems to be popular at the moment. my mate has used it for the past year tho his spots cleared completely after about 4 weeks on the stuff.

it definately needs lots of patience....
Reply 15
Here we go again. Diet, drinking water or the sun (LOL, not heard this one before) in no way cause or affect spots. I wish people would stop posting this advice, as it's all a myth.

Water really does help, that is, if you dont get enough to begin with.
you could get a facial done, thats what i first did, mediacted facials. I know places that use demalogica (which really is great stuff) do face mapping so you know what you need to do where, i.e. rehydrate, remove excess oil etc. And the medicated facials are really really good! Im just sorry i dont live closer to home so i could go back and have them! :frown: i might book myself in for one soon. There are websites that sell dermalogica too, the stuff looks expensive, but it lasts forever coz you only use a pea sized amount in any one go. but seriously get a facial done by someone who can give you specific advice for you!
i dun have any spots now but i have some marks/small bumps from when i used to i wanna destroy em, any ideas?
Reply 18
Here we go again. Diet, drinking water or the sun (LOL, not heard this one before) in no way cause or affect spots. I wish people would stop posting this advice, as it's all a myth.

Dunno about dieting or drinking water or any of that lark, but when I was in Spain this summer, my face was completely clear of spots. The sun works amazing wonders for cleaning up skin. As does salt water.
Reply 19
:rolleyes: That's why doctors recommend getting out in the sun to get rid of a few spots.

The sun doesn't get rid of the spots/acne. Tanning hides spots in the short term, but it doesn't cure them; Essentially they are still there.