The Student Room Group

Why are Southern girls so stuck up?

Please don't give me all this 'not all southern girls are stuck up' :blah: people make stereotypes for a reason. of course not all southern girls will be stuck up, of course, but way more often than not, they will be. giving that argument is weak.

now that's out of the way. I go to a university that is full of southerners. virtually no northerners. not that many midlanders either.

you quickly realise the attitude and personality differences between southerners and northerners, and its not nice - particularly on the female front. southern girls expect other people to put all the effort in conversations, they expect you to give them attention but you get nothing back, they often seem spoilt and arrogant (I overheard one with a very posh accent on the bus the other day bossing her mum around on the phone about some money situation), they act very cliquey. need I go on?

the few northern girls I've come across, they're almost the complete opposite - friendly, chatty, they don't necessarily make the first move but they will respond in a way that makes you feel comfortable. its just a shame that they are a very rare breed where I go to uni.

its kind of true with boys too. I was playing pool with some northern guys and they were so chatty, it was so easy to get on with them. not true with southern guys - they act arrogant, wear dodgy clothing and all are secretly attempting to be an alpha male instead of being themselves.

who agrees?
(edited 14 years ago)

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Reply 1
Reply 2

You can't wait for six minutes?


I dunno, maybe you've just got a chip on your shoulder.
Reply 3
"wear dodgy clothing and all are secretly attempting to be an alpha male instead of being themselves."

Lol, sorry but I think that is far, far more applicable to Northerners.
because we're awful and inferior.
Reply 5
"wear dodgy clothing and all are secretly attempting to be an alpha male instead of being themselves."

Lol, sorry but I think that is far, far more applicable to Northerners.

not really.

northerners are chatty and don't take any crap - thats their personality.

the difference is you have these southern boys who try and act all alpha and they fail.

northerners are themselves. they don't try to be someone they're not. they aren't insecure and they're not there to judge people.
talk about generalisation! not every southern girl is like that
Reply 7
Please don't give me all this 'not all southern girls are stuck up' :blah: people make stereotypes for a reason. of course not all southern girls will be stuck up, of course, but way more often than not, they will be. giving that argument is weak.

now that's out of the way. I go to a university that is full of southerners. virtually no northerners. not that many midlanders either.

you quickly realise the attitude and personality differences between southerners and northerners, and its not nice - particularly on the female front. southern girls expect other people to put all the effort in conversations, they expect you to give them attention but you get nothing back, they often seem spoilt and arrogant (I overheard one with a very posh accent on the bus the other day bossing her mum around on the phone about some money situation), they act very cliquey. need I go on?

the few northern girls I've come across, they're almost the complete opposite - friendly, chatty, they don't necessarily make the first move but they will respond in a way that makes you feel comfortable. its just a shame that they are a very rare breed where I go to uni.

its kind of true with boys too. I was playing pool with some northern guys and they were so chatty, it was so easy to get on with them. not true with southern guys - they act arrogant, wear dodgy clothing and all are secretly attempting to be an alpha male instead of being themselves.

who agrees?

So where are you from then? Midlands where it's a good in between?
Reply 8
Please don't give me all this 'not all southern girls are stuck up' :blah: people make stereotypes for a reason. of course not all southern girls will be stuck up, of course, but way more often than not, they will be. giving that argument is weak.

now that's out of the way. I go to a university that is full of southerners. virtually no northerners. not that many midlanders either.

you quickly realise the attitude and personality differences between southerners and northerners, and its not nice - particularly on the female front. southern girls expect other people to put all the effort in conversations, they expect you to give them attention but you get nothing back, they often seem spoilt and arrogant (I overheard one with a very posh accent on the bus the other day bossing her mum around on the phone about some money situation), they act very cliquey. need I go on?

the few northern girls I've come across, they're almost the complete opposite - friendly, chatty, they don't necessarily make the first move but they will respond in a way that makes you feel comfortable. its just a shame that they are a very rare breed where I go to uni.

its kind of true with boys too. I was playing pool with some northern guys and they were so chatty, it was so easy to get on with them. not true with southern guys - they act arrogant, wear dodgy clothing and all are secretly attempting to be an alpha male instead of being themselves.

who agrees?

Inbreeding is rife among southerners!
Reply 9
not really.

northerners are chatty and don't take any crap - thats their personality.

the difference is you have these southern boys who try and act all alpha and they fail.

northerners are themselves. they don't try to be someone they're not. they aren't insecure and they're not there to judge people.

What, like classy, tasteful, eloquent, non-violent, non-chavvy and educated?

(edited 14 years ago)
Southern Girls tend to be far up their arses. They are pompous and frankly ignorant.
only the rich ones
Reply 12
talk about generalisation! not every southern girl is like that

please read my first paragraph.

you evidently didn't.
Obviously your nothern accent is not pleasing to listen to. :woo:

Maybe southern girls just sound stuck up, which to a notherner they usually do.
"wear dodgy clothing and all are secretly attempting to be an alpha male instead of being themselves."

Lol, sorry but I think that is far, far more applicable to Northerners.

:eviltongue: Truly ashamed :bawling:
Reply 15
I'm a southern girl and I am not really like that. I love chatting to people and I have a genuine interest in the lives of others. That being said, I concur with your observation, generally, us southerners are quiet conceited and antisocial. I addition, we tend to care more about class than northerners.
Reply 16
This is like me asking why northerners are complete schmucks
(edited 14 years ago)
I really have not noticed a difference. In my group of friends at uni we have an equal balance of northerners and southerners and it's really not an issue. Maybe the OP is just over sensitive?
I would rather get f***ed anally by Peter North than date a girl from London. They're so stuck up.
(edited 14 years ago)
"wear dodgy clothing and all are secretly attempting to be an alpha male instead of being themselves."

Lol, sorry but I think that is far, far more applicable to Northerners.


I dont see how you can generalise a quarter of the country like that.

There's morons everywhere, not exclusively/the majority to the North/South.
(edited 14 years ago)