BAsically this is the cheapest place I could find (etap hotals)
Its annoying as it's too expensive and had been comparing the price of prostitutes in the local area and most are considerably less than this. As i'm a poor student I kind of was thinking of going down the cheper route to get more sex, what do u guys think?
1. Your not really in love with her, if you love the sex more and that's your primary concern imo. 2. Your not looking hard enough for rooms obv, you can get rooms sometimes for £20. 3. Why the hell do you need a hotel room, just have sex in your parents house, what are you like 15 and sneaking about?
BAsically this is the cheapest place I could find (etap hotals)
Its annoying as it's too expensive and had been comparing the price of prostitutes in the local area and most are considerably less than this. As i'm a poor student I kind of was thinking of going down the cheper route to get more sex, what do u guys think?
Just re-read my post- I sound like a ****, i'm not actually, im a nice guy... I love my g.f..I just love sex more