The Student Room Group

Experiment to find the specific heat capacity of brass ...

Implemented an experiment a couple of weeks ago, and am now coming to write it up. It was to measure the specific heat capacity of brass, and so we had a block of the metal with two holes in it, which we weighed. We then used a heating element and placed it inside one of the holes, and had a thermometer in the other hole. We recorded the initial temperature and then started the stopwatch. Once the temperature had risen 20 degrees, we turned the heater off and then ... this is the part im unsure about. We then let the temperature continue to rise without the heater on, and by keeping the brass insulated and recorded the final highest temperature it reached. I can't remember at which point we stopped the timer however, whether it was after the 20 degrees, or whether it was when the temperature reached the highest. If anyone has carried out an experiment similar, and i have parts of the method incorrect or that dont make sense, any clarification would be most appreciated :smile: xx
Reply 1
You should stop the stopwath when you stop heating.
Reply 2
Yes, but you should record the HIGHEST temperature, NOT the temp when you stopped the clock!
Reply 3
snmichaels is rite