The Student Room Group

Not eating properly

No, i dont have an eating disorder before you all jump!

Basically, im in university accomodation and we're provided with breakfast and dinner everyday. However because i am never up at 7:30am i always miss breakfast. This, plus the fact im poor means i only eat the evening dinner.. or once every 24 hours for anyone not able to work it out :wink:

My question is, does lack of food have any damaging effects other then maybe losing some weight? Im a slim guy as it is and apart from being slightly hungry during the day, havnt noticed any other effects (have been here for almost a month now).

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There can be hugely bad effects! I would suggest getting in some cereal or making yourself get up for breakfast. You could really do yourself damage! You might just end up living off of those £1 ready meals from iceland, but they are quite filling and you should be able to afford food during the day too!
No, i dont have an eating disorder before you all jump!

Basically, im in university accomodation and we're provided with breakfast and dinner everyday. However because i am never up at 7:30am i always miss breakfast. This, plus the fact im poor means i only eat the evening dinner.. or once every 24 hours for anyone not able to work it out :wink:

My question is, does lack of food have any damaging effects other then maybe losing some weight? Im a slim guy as it is and apart from being slightly hungry during the day, havnt noticed any other effects (have been here for almost a month now).

That's exactly what happened to me. I ended up going from just under 11 stones to under 10 in one term - but Christmas holidays and lots of eating at home did the trick and it gradually came back again. not sure about any long-term health issues, obviously part from not having much energy to do anything because you're not eating so you sleep more and then you eat less - its a vicious cycle.

ollie :biggrin:
Reply 3
It will effect your studies, havn't you seen the shredies advert?
I suggest you haul your lazy ass out of bed :reddy:
Reply 4
i can prob agree with the sleep more, ive been sleeping for 9-10 hours statdnard when i used to do 8
Reply 5
get up early a couple of times a week then at least you are having brekkie a couple of times, or if you've got a little kitchen just get some cereal in its better than nothing.
I gree with everyone else. It's so much easier to function when you've had breakfast, even if you're not hungry. If you're running that late, toast some bread and eat it on your way to lectures.
Reply 7
I've been doing it since i came to Leeds (roughly 4 weeks)....A doc friend of mine has told me all abt the long term effects.....most likely include ulcers (stomach produces acid to digest food, but since there's no food, the stomach layer gets inflamed).....once u get ulcers, u'll have to live on antacids, burping and belching ur way thru' life....
Better start eating regularly (i've started shoving food into my mouth, irrespective of whether i like it or not).....
Only if ur healthy, u can concentrate on studies and enjoy uni....
Eat UP!!!! I have started, better now than never....
Reply 8
I'm not eating much either. The food at uni is like prison food.
Reply 9
I live in self-catered accomm, and its such a pain to cook food, eat it and then wash up all the dishes....Also, gotta shop for groceries, vegetables and other stuff..... :frown:
Reply 10
Ah, the joys of being in self-catered accommodation, hehe...I really enjoy cooking, and anything to do with baking/pastries in particular. I unfortunately usually have a near-empty cupboard, since there's always a fear of thieving flatmates (verified, as well, as things HAVE disappeared from the kitchen in the past), but even if I've just got a bag of flour in, I can make a loaf of bread :smile: Rather useful, since the nearest shop with semi-decent food supplies is a mile away.
Whether I wake up at 6am or 3pm, it doesn't matter - I can still have a 'breakfast' whenever I get up.

But yes, it can have some effects which aren't all that good. Lack of energy is the key one, as that affects your progress throughout the rest of your day. Catered halls usually have a small kitchen somewhere - buy something in that you can prepare in there...
Reply 11
No, i dont have an eating disorder before you all jump!

Basically, im in university accomodation and we're provided with breakfast and dinner everyday. However because i am never up at 7:30am i always miss breakfast. This, plus the fact im poor means i only eat the evening dinner.. or once every 24 hours for anyone not able to work it out :wink:

My question is, does lack of food have any damaging effects other then maybe losing some weight? Im a slim guy as it is and apart from being slightly hungry during the day, havnt noticed any other effects (have been here for almost a month now).

7:30? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Ok, those were added for emphasis.

I'd pick sleep over breakfast as well if I had to eat at 7:30. I'd be surprised if I had an appetite that early in the morning. I'm more of a midnight/random snacker.

Just buy some "breakfast-on-the-go" bars if you can't make it or eat some fruit. Frankly, don't force yourself to get up early and miss out on sleep, which is ultimately just as worthwhile as breakfast.

If you're going to fall asleep during breakfast there's no point in going. Imagine falling into your milk and drowning to death in the midst of eating because you fell asleep!

If all else fails, look miserable and beg for sustenance on the streets. That seems to happen often where I am.
Reply 12
I've been to breakfast three times in the 3 weeks I've been at uni. Two of those were sunday brunch at like 11am.

If I have 9 am lectures I generally don't get up until 8 am, and it takes me at least 25 minutes to shower and get ready, giving me just enough time to get to lectures.
Reply 13
damn you I live 45 mins away from my lectures so I have to get up a couple of hours before it sucks so bad. 9s are a right pain.
Reply 14
I only have one 9 AM start. I tend to start at 10 and finish at 5. I don't have anything today, hence why I am still on TSR.
Reply 15
I only have one 9 AM start. I tend to start at 10 and finish at 5. I don't have anything today, hence why I am still on TSR.

I have to get up at 6 tomoz but I haven't finished my work yet :frown: will be doing brekkie tomoz though (just to pretend I'm sticking to the topic)
Reply 16
I quite liked the weight-loss aspects of first year in halls.

Alas, now I am in a flat I'm turning into a fat bastard.

You're not going to kill yourself by not eating. It's just fairly unpleasant I'd imagine and I don't like the thought of a fellow TSRian going hungry...
Buying a box of brekkie bars is a good idea. Buy some instant noodles in cup form too. It can come in handy when you feel too tired to drag yourself to dinner or lunch. I hope this helped. :smile:
No, i dont have an eating disorder before you all jump!

Basically, im in university accomodation and we're provided with breakfast and dinner everyday. However because i am never up at 7:30am i always miss breakfast. This, plus the fact im poor means i only eat the evening dinner.. or once every 24 hours for anyone not able to work it out

My question is, does lack of food have any damaging effects other then maybe losing some weight? Im a slim guy as it is and apart from being slightly hungry during the day, havnt noticed any other effects (have been here for almost a month now).

i know that feeling only too well one of my flatmates cooks for me most of the time, otherwise i just live on toast and cereal :frown:

like everyone else has said, not eating makes you more lethargic which can affect your studies. last year i was told i was anaemic cos of not eating properly

i agree with the previous poster about instant noodles but if you have them all the time youll be sick of them after about a month
cup-a-soups are quite handy too
and potatoes, its easy enough to bung a tattie in the microwave for 5 mins
Reply 19
if you have a microwave it is really easy and costs next to nothing to have porridge in the morning. it is important to have something to eat in the morning especially with a severe winter on the way.