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Have had one, and would again definitely - the lack of attachment is great when you don't feel like a relationship.

ollie :biggrin:
Would never have one! Sex is an expression of love! I like it being an act of making love, not just gratification
Reply 3
Lauren Hart
Would never have one! Sex is an expression of love! I like it being an act of making love, not just gratification

I would add more, but Lauren's really covered anything I would have said
Reply 4
I think theyre perfectly fine as long as both parties know what thyre getting and are happy with that: perosnally I wouldn't mind one, butthats not going to happen anytime soon :p:
Reply 5
I wouldn't have one. I'm usually a hedonist, but I've long sinced realised that stuff like that makes me feel rather dirty afterwards...
I think they're fine as long as both/all parties involved are wanting the same thing from it (ie its isn't just sex for one person and the start of true love for the other). And also I think they are generally a good thing when everyone involved is in a correct state to decide (ie not waking up with a horrible hangover and a stranger beside you).
I would never do it. It makes you feel totally guilty and as many people have said that "sex is an expression of love". Another Phrase is "Your virginity is a girls most important possesion". So I think you should only have sex if you love the person. But it is definetly your choice, So do as you like. I hope this helped. :smile:
Reply 8
done it. many times. I don't have a problem with it at all - if all you fancy is a shag then why not so long as you are safe? And I don't get guilty :eek: , cos I don't think you *need* to be in LURVE to have sex.
have had one. felt like a right scrubber afterwards like, but as much as id love to say id never do it again i probably would cos i know what im like
as long as both parties understand its just sex and bit of harmless fun then they are great but when emotion gets involved and people dont play the rules then they are very irritating
personally i love em
Reply 11
Ive had 1, 1 night stand before, all other times have been in different relationships. Absolutely hated it. For the simple reason that when your in a relationship your partner knows what you like, therefore the sex is going to be sooo much better.

I get the more pleasure using my hand than getting a 1-night stand.
i love it when guys say that! Makes me feel all warm inside to know that there are guys out there who cherish the bond rather than just enjoy a good shag! Im so glad me and my boyfriend have only ever had sex with each other! It makes me all fuzzy inside!
Reply 13
Difficult to tell really - I wouldn't myself though. I think if both parties accept it, it's fine, as long as neither feels forced or slightly out of control (drugs/drink/slapped lol). However, for me sex is an expression of love and attraction to one person - granted you don't need love to have sex, and many are happy with that, but personally I feel it's better physically and emotionally in a commited relationship.
awww, you guys on here are just so sweet!
Reply 15
Im so glad me and my boyfriend have only ever had sex with each other! It makes me all fuzzy inside!

You're lucky :smile:

One night stands don't usually work out in practice. One party nearly always wants more to come out of it, even though they wont admit to it.
Reply 16
Difficult to tell really - I wouldn't myself though. I think if both parties accept it, it's fine, as long as neither feels forced or slightly out of control (drugs/drink/slapped lol). However, for me sex is an expression of love and attraction to one person - granted you don't need love to have sex, and many are happy with that, but personally I feel it's better physically and emotionally in a commited relationship.

Couldn’t agree more with you mate. So many more feelings involved if it’s with your partner. The whole closeness you get out of it, something that seriously lacks in a one-night stand.
Reply 17
I've never had one and don't intend to. I don't exactly look down upon people who have them...but I think it's a kinda tasteless thing to do. I feel that way about random pulling in nightclubs too though - I'm turning into a right prude :p:
done it. many times. I don't have a problem with it at all - if all you fancy is a shag then why not so long as you are safe? And I don't get guilty :eek: , cos I don't think you *need* to be in LURVE to have sex.

Agreed, all the people in here with their idealistic views of "making love" instead of having sex makes me laugh.
Reply 19
I've never had one and don't intend to. I don't exactly look down upon people who have them...but I think it's a kinda tasteless thing to do. I feel that way about random pulling in nightclubs too though - I'm turning into a right prude :p:

I agree with you, I wouldn't do it myself but people do it, and it's the way they live their life. I'd prefer a much more committed, loving relationship. As for the pulling, in some respects I do agree with you, but chatting to someone in a nightclub, getting their number and then pulling them is a bit more acceptable. Coversation is a must. Always nice if they call you in the morning though. :p: