The Student Room Group

History of Gibbet Hill and Cryfield, anyone?

I heard that there were a group of people who was hung at Gibbet Hill and the people in Cryfield heard them crying therefore it is called Cryfield.

I always thought Gibbet was a name of someone until I looked it up.

Who were the people?

Suddenly I feel lucky not living in Cryfield :redface:
Reply 1
That is all true.
Reply 2
i was in cryfield last year... & i heard the same rumours lol... if they were true, it must have been 100s of years ago, so no need to get worried!
Reply 3
Ooh where did they keep the bodies??
I heard that there were a group of people who was hung at Gibbet Hill and the people in Cryfield heard them crying therefore it is called Cryfield.

I always thought Gibbet was a name of someone until I looked it up.

Who were the people?

Suddenly I feel lucky not living in Cryfield :redface:

After only a couple of weeks of living in cryfield, residents develop criminal tendancies, unibrows, thuggish personalities, hairy palms and a love of tescos value food. why on earth would you worry about a few dead people in the past?! :biggrin:
cryfield hall 1, room 102
Reply 5
Cat you know anyone named Franz who is a dutch with long hair?
Cat you know anyone named Franz who is a dutch with long hair?

hmmm....doesnt ring a bell. is he in cryfield 1 as well? lucky lucky man... :biggrin:
Reply 7
Cat you know anyone named Franz who is a dutch with long hair?

i do, he's in my hall which is cryfield 3, lives practically across the corridor from me! why? oh, and he's not actually dutch (i've made this mistake many times!) but apparently DANISH. meh.
Reply 8
he was in my school :smile: (and the only one)
from Hong Kong

apparently i knew people from top floor and they said they have never met him (i just found out hes in cryfield 3 cuz i bump into him since the 2nd day here.. 2nd time)
Reply 9
i do, he's in my hall which is cryfield 3, lives practically across the corridor from me! why? oh, and he's not actually dutch (i've made this mistake many times!) but apparently DANISH. meh.

Hey grace!! hehe!! If only he knew...... lol Fi xXx