The Student Room Group
Erm... no. Why don't you just try to write one and then get advice in the help forum?
Reply 2
It must be done for Saturday and being a prospective English student it's most likely best if you do it yourself.
Reply 3
I am writing it myself, but I wanted to see what a genuinely decent personal statement looked like. All the ones I've been told are 'good' tend to be "I did this/I like this/I admire" without anything in particular to make them stand out. So Charlottie, sorry to make it look like a usual "I VANT TO STEAL YOUR PS!" post, that wasn't my intention. :redface:
Reply 4
Go to and check the personal statements. Once you have a PS draft, you can submit it to the PS helpers forum.
Reply 5
Sorry but what the hell have you been doing for the past month? If you already have a draft then I would post it in the "Ask A Helper" section, wait for a response, make the necessary changes, show to other people if you have time then send it off - you only have 3 days left!
Reply 6
Don't forget about the additional CAF personal statement. Even though its optional, its strongly recommended. Its not long but you need quality sentences.
Reply 7
I am writing it myself, but I wanted to see what a genuinely decent personal statement looked like. All the ones I've been told are 'good' tend to be "I did this/I like this/I admire" without anything in particular to make them stand out. So Charlottie, sorry to make it look like a usual "I VANT TO STEAL YOUR PS!" post, that wasn't my intention. :redface:

Have a go, however rough. Then post it in the ask a PS helper forum and you'll get loadsa help :smile:
Don't forget about the additional CAF personal statement. Even though its optional, its strongly recommended. Its not long but you need quality sentences.

Strongly recommended? I'm pretty sure I wrote bugger all, that they just got the statement from my UCAS form and that the only extras I added were on college forms.
Reply 9
I meant the small box on the CAF form, not an additional personal statement.
Reply 10
I was under the impression she knew you meant that, and I didn't write anything in it either. We have yet to see if they throw my application out after spitting on it because I didn't make up a load of extra whingey 'I love Cambridge' rubbish to put in that box, though. :rolleyes:
Reply 11
hehe,i wonder how many people put: "oh i love the architecture." :p:
In the extra box I wrote why I wanted to study English at Cambridge in particular - what I liked about the described course. Also, I don't recommend looking at other people's statements - it will either make you feel bad because of all the wonderful things they've done but you haven't or you'll end up not standing out. If your idea isn't original you won't stand out regardless. I looked at one statement and began to wonder why I was bothering but after a while it just sort of came to me :smile:
I meant the small box on the CAF form, not an additional personal statement.

As Ronove said, I knew that.
Reply 14
my bad then, I thought it was recommended.
Reply 15
It is recommended (at least by my head of sixth form, but she's always been incredibly unhelpful towards me and my Oxbridge application, so maybe she was just lying). But I don't know how much it really matters, I doubt they'll reject you just because of that. I think I wrote something about liking the areas which the course focused on, which I made up at lunchtime because I hadn't realised there was an extra statement box on the form.
You could look at the example statements on studential or somewhere just to give you an idea of the kinds of things people say and the layout and so on. That might help you get started.