There quite a few people at my sixth form who doing GNVQs (there particularly alot on the performing arts GNVQ and travel and tourism or whatever it called) who started when they were 18-19. They won't finish till they are 20-21 (or 22 depending when they birth date is) respectively because it a two year course. There are a few doing A-Level that started there first year when 17 but I don't think there are any older than this in my classes anyway.
Sixt forms usually acceot people only 16-19. Proper colleges have no age limit though. People that want to get go to university usually opt for a two year Access course though rather than A-Levels think in these situations.
I got a question, if older people do A-Levels at a colege (not night-classes, daytime) do they have to go to the classes with all 16-19 year olds? Or do they have separate classes for 'mature' candidates?