The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
where bouts are you?

we had massive smokefest in kitchen and none of the alarms went off

place still stinks
Reply 2
one of my housemates managed to get some toast stuck in the toaster for 8min. luckily the alarm didnt go of. but the place stunk and was smoky for a while
Reply 3
Apparently the detectors detect the heat which a fire gives off not the smoke.

Though how I managed to set mine off at 2:30 in the morning while asleep is anyone’s guess.
Reply 4
Kitchen detectors detect heat, bedroom and corridor detectors detect smoke (and steam - keep the door closed when you shower).
Reply 5
we keep getting fire alarms all the time in lectures but then they just stop after a min or two. Getting kinda annoying now. I swear we get about 3 a week.
Reply 6
I'm in Cotswold, but apparently they were testing them.
Reply 7
we just been told that there will be fire alarm drill this weekend sometime in the morn by our resident tutor.
Reply 8
why do they have to do it in the morning!!!
Reply 9
Wintry Snowman
I'm in Cotswold, but apparently they were testing them.

Yeh there was some bloke in cotswold 3 yesterday testing them... or at least flicking various switches on the big box by the back door. :confused:
Reply 10

Which block have you been told the drill this weekend will be in? Why cant it be in the afternoon rather than when people are in bed??

I live in Quantock and we had the alarms going off intermittently for about half an hour. Very annoying.
Reply 11
i guess early morning is when everyone is in their room (or someone else's!), so everyone will get practise at the fire drills. A fire drill when everyone is out would be pointless.
Reply 12
im in eastwood , so im guessing at least eastwood 1-19. but sounded like whole uni over the course of the weekedn but i might be wrong.
Reply 13
I know they did the whole of westwood on a saturday morning last year - starting from about 5:30 - 6am i think. Someone in my house last year (Derhill 3) said that he woke up at about 6:30 and could hear the alarms getting closer.

Also, if the fire alarm goes off and you are in the shower, dont get back in the shower as soon as you get back in the building. Last year someone had to get out of the shower cause someone set an alarm off in the kitchen, so he was standing outside covered with not much more than a towel, soaking wet. About 3 mins after we were let back in the alarm went off again...just giving enough time for my housemate to get back into the shower again.
Reply 14
Looks like i am choosing a good time to go home for the weekend :biggrin:

and to nick some food off of the rents of course
Reply 15
What is the point of a fire drill :confused:
I think it must be quite clear that everyone can leave the buildings safely whether there is an alarm going or not, and unlike school they cant take a register as not everyone will be there.
Well, they did take a register.
Reply 17
I'm glad I knew that was coming, as I was awake in time to hear the alarms in Durhill then Cotswold go off before ours - hence able to go outside fully dressed wearing a coat, and laugh at the people who had just been woken up and were shivering in pyjamas.

I suppose that 9.00 is a more reasonable time to do it than 6.30am. Apparently thats the last drill we have to do.
I had a dressing gown I could just put on, which made my job quite simple. I was sleeping at the time, but when it went off, at least I knew it was a drill.
Blah, we had ours (marlborough) at 7.30 this morning and I didn't have my contacts in so I had to guess where all my friends were, plus wearing my ugliest pyjamas! Not a good start to the weekend...