The Student Room Group

Whats happened!

right, this guy i like at school i finally started chattin to him last week-it was good, he seemed really interested in what i had to say, would smile as we spoke and would look me in the eyes as he spoke/i spoke-happened about 3 times last week

yesterday at school some guy went to go ask him out on my behalf without my knowledge and the guy i like was like no i cant go as im in barcelona next week blah but according to his best friend he hasnt clicked that i actually fancy him
he spoke to me afterwards looked me in the eyes and was fine with me etc

but then today!! i asked him something, he didnt even turn to look at me as he answered or enquiry anything back as he did last week!-wth has happened-do u think he's worked out that i like him and hes like totally shut down
Reply 1
mighta done and perhaps he's feeling shy around you or, and i don't mean to upset you, but he could have gone off you and be liking someone else. just keep talking to him and maybe he'll come out of his shyness.