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Reply 1
How many times a week do you think you should/do you make contact with your boyfriend/girlfriend? I was having a debate about this today and wondering on people's opinions here.

I almost always at least text my gf everyday, phone once or twice a week. :smile:
Reply 2
I see my bf every day. We're in the same lectures and practicals and then see each other every evening. It helps that we do the same subject, because we do work together as well, and help each other out. We also have lunch/dinner together some days. Sounds a lot but I guess we don't see each other for many hours in the day, lectures don't really count then we meet up at about 9pm and go to sleep at 12.
Reply 3
My bf texts me when he wakes up and before he goes to bed :love:
And then we chat sporadically on MSN during the evening
See each other every weekend, or every other weekend
Chat on the phone less often, maybe a 3/4 times a week - not for hours though (costa del fortune!)
Reply 4
As much as possible I would have thought.
That is, if you can stand each other :smile:
We text each other a few times every day and phone every night... expensive yes, but I can't cope without! I see him every other weekend. I miss him :frown:
good god it's not even worth debating.
every day!!!! a text at the very very least!!...isn't that obvious??
Reply 7
I talk to my boyfriend in some form every day, and we're at different Unis. When we lived in the same area we saw each other every other day at least, usually more.
Depends on the couple though I suppose
Reply 8
good god it's not even worth debating.
every day!!!! a text at the very very least!!...isn't that obvious??

I see mine every weekend and talk on phone about 3 times a week. No texts. :p:
Reply 9
Used to speak for an hour every day, weren't really into texting much. Saw him roughly every other weekend, he was my best friend though, too.

Saw him about 3/4 times a week in the hols, never had a full on see-eachother-every-day thing, really. I was with him when he was boarding and I was boarding, then he went on his gap year, then we had his first year of uni. The only time I spent continous time with him was when we went on hols :biggrin:
I see mine every weekend and talk on phone about 3 times a week. No texts. :p:

I couldn't cope with that! I'm rubbish! :redface:
I couldn't cope with that! I'm rubbish! :redface:

I don't cope very well with it either. :p:
i live with mine and we still normally text eachother during the day!
but having said that, boys are really rubbish sometimes, especially when it comes to stuff like this.
luckily i have mine well trained....
Reply 13
I live with mine too lol. To start with, you feel like you're in each other's pockets... but after a while you learn to get your own space. And mademoiselle84, i'm ashamed to say i text him all day too lol!
Reply 14
See him every weekend (at different unis), at least one text each a day, and a phone call every day too (not long phone calls, 5mins-20mins usually).

I think it's a bit odd not to make some form of contact every day.
Reply 15
text avery day phone every other day or every three days (im at uni hes not)
depends. my ex and I are at the same uni and college, so we used to spend at least 12 hours a week doing various stuffs together, apart from maybe 1 hour on phones, a text every day, and e-mails just numerous. But the exceptions were when we had some important work to submit... in which, we gave each other plenty of space
Reply 17
I never used to talk to my ex-boyfriend constantly. I like having my own space so it was usually text every couple of days and see each other a couple of times a week. If we got particularly bored or lonely we'd call each other.

I always found that the conversation and company was SO much better when we hadn't been in each others pockets all week.
i was seeing my gf quite a bit in the summer when we first started going out then i went back to college and she started 6th form so it went down to like 2 times a week that i got to see her but only for short periods of time and with other people around so i talked to her and now we're spending more time together.. gradually..
we text quite often though and i ring her up sometimes. Im moving out soon and she may be moving in with me once i get settled in so we'll see even more of each other :biggrin: but as we go to different colleges and we both work it wont get to the point where we're seeing too much of each other heh cos that can be a bad thing for some couples..

I always found that the conversation and company was SO much better when we hadn't been in each others pockets all week.

I agree there, I find I have more to talk about if we haven't spoken for a couple of days. Sometimes we do talk 2 days in a row, and those calls usually last about half an hour, but if I haven't spoken to him in 2 days it lasts about an hour or sometimes more. I worry about our phone bills, I really do. :p: