The Student Room Group

Slowly Becoming A Routine

Im really shy but slowly making progress with a 'special' girl. We've been friends for about a month now. I got her mobile number when we went out clubbin nd ive been txting her a bit recently. But we've been runnin out of convosations with each. Anybody got any ideas on how we can relight the fire in our convosations. It seems to be the same everyday whn we meet up or chat on MSN. :frown: We are just friends at the moment but i wanna get closer with her any ideas on how to ask her?

Basic convosation starters and how can i ask her out? Suggestions greatly appreciated!
how bout taking the next step forward? :rolleyes:
Reply 2
Errrmmmm...... What do you mean? Bit confused?
EDIT: sorry didn't read the last bit of your post :redface:

do you talk to her on her own? just try the friendly body language, tapping her feet, arm... etc. just ask if she wants to go out out somnewhere, preferably somewhere you can get 'close' :smile:
Reply 4
LOL! We sometimes chat on our free lessons @ school but alot of the time her m8's or my m8's are around. When out clubbin we are both with our m8's. :frown: AT least we are popular! :smile: We have been shopping with each other nd we were alone nd had gr8 fun nd im working on my shyness so its slowly gettin better but we are rarely alone :frown:
LOL! We sometimes chat on our free lessons @ school but alot of the time her m8's or my m8's are around. When out clubbin we are both with our m8's. :frown: AT least we are popular! :smile: We have been shopping with each other nd we were alone nd had gr8 fun nd im working on my shyness so its slowly gettin better but we are rarely alone :frown:

there's the answer to your question, my friend! :smile:

EDIT: If you're the one to arrange something, she'll see you care about her, so can't do much wrong!
find out if she has strong opinions about something. examples might be fur or politics - then argue your side. an intelligent debate always gets me started conversation wise.
conversely, having a few alcoholic beverages together can aid the chatting.
Reply 7
Im not into that gettin the girl drunk or tipsy just to pull, i care about her. But i see your case for us needin to have some time away from our m8's nd been alone havin our own fun without the distractions or pressence of our m8's being around. Thanx U guys
i didn't mean get her drunk and taking advantage!!! no no no.. i just meant that if you are both shy, having a few drinks can loosen you up and help the conversation to flow a little better!
Just be hard, and tell her you like her- if you hang around each other so much then she probably feels the same way, but as the bloke- it's your job to make the first move.
Reply 10
but as the bloke- it's your job to make the first move.

So unfair.
Road Racer
So unfair.

Tell me about it!! :frown:
Reply 12
EDIT: sorry didn't read the last bit of your post :redface:

do you talk to her on her own? just try the friendly body language, tapping her feet, arm... etc. just ask if she wants to go out out somnewhere, preferably somewhere you can get 'close' :smile:

tapping her feet :confused: you mean when dancing?

Just talk about what you have done during the day etc :smile:
Reply 13
I used to use alcohol to loosen up when I wanted to speak with girls. I didn't use it to take advantage, I didn't even encourage them to drink, just one or two gave me that little extra confidence to get started. But if you are already kinda close, it's maybe not an issue. The problem definitely seems to be privacy. Take her out, do something different, not the usual cliche stuff, I'm sure you'll enjoy it and will give you some more time to get to know each other. Good luck!
Reply 14
but as the bloke- it's your job to make the first move.

Says who?
Reply 15
Hmm, ask he how her day's been, anything interesting happen. Maybe talk about the last time you met, how she is, school stuffs, shows/film/music you both watch/listen to. Talk also about anything that's troubling you, worries or anything like that if you need to - if you want to get closer you need to show life's got other sides too.

Talk about what you guys could do, maybe try to suggest a date or something like that if the time's right. Be a bit flirty maybe. All of the above does sound easy in text but virtually all of us know that it's miles harder in reality - relax, think of different things to talk about, ask her questions to get into conversations (lol, but not like a game of 20qs) and when the time's right maybe suggest a more private meetup/date.

Good luck!
tapping her feet :confused: you mean when dancing?

Just talk about what you have done during the day etc :smile:

nah thats not what i meant, though that could be as good! :biggrin: i remember i was sittin next to a guy who like me at the time, we were talking, but i was kind of swinging my legs gently (i was nervous alright!) and then he "accidentally" kicked my theory it worked.