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Customer care assistant job interview at mcdonalds?

Hi everyone,

I recently applied for jobs at Mcdonalds as there were vacancies. And I have been called in for an interview, not as a Crew Member but as a customer care assistant. Does anyone know what this role/job entails? What i'll be asked in the interview. I want to be fully prepared, as I want teh job. So please, if there's any tips, or anything??

Thanks in advance :smile:

I created this thread in Part Time jobs as well, but due to no replies I posted it on here.

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Reply 1
My interview for McDonalds was for a crew member position, so I dont know if it'll be the same, but basically the manager just told me what the job was about and asked me a few questions in relation to my application, and he rang to tell me I'd got the job the next day. It was pretty relaxed so don't be too worried about it :smile:
Customer care assistants are the ones who go round cleaning tables, changing bins, cleaning toilets etc. which I've had to do a fair few times even as a crew member. It's quite horrible sometimes, and a bit demoralising, but you do get paid more than crew members :smile:
(edited 14 years ago)
Customer Care Assisant is the one you see greeting customers, wiping the tables, mopping/sweeping floors, emptying bins and cleaning the loo's. It's basically cleaning but I think they call it that to make it sound not so bad. It's pretty easy TBH cos the Crew Members all chip in. Not trying to put you off or anything, go for it, being able to get ANY job right now is a blessing. Good luck :smile:

Source: Used to work at McDees as a Crew Member during college holidays!
Reply 3
Original post by alishpie
My interview for McDonalds was for a crew member position, so I dont know if it'll be the same, but basically the manager just told me what the job was about and asked me a few questions in relation to my application, and he rang to tell me I'd got the job the next day. It was pretty relaxed so don't be too worried about it :smile:
Customer care assistants are the ones who go round cleaning tables, changing bins, cleaning toilets etc. which I've had to do a fair few times even as a crew member. It's quite horrible sometimes, and a bit demoralising, but you do get paid more than crew members :smile:

Oh my goodness, ok.. I was not expecting that In the job role. That is not how it was described to me.. I have my interview tommorow. I guess a job is a job, but I'd prefer a crew member job now... So was it easy to get the job? What type of questions did they ask, I kind of know what they will ask.. but I have no idea what to reply.
If they ask me a question like: Why do you want to work in Mcdonalds? - I Have NO idea what to say, I don't want to work there, its my last resort. So I don't know what to say.
But thanks anyway.
Reply 4
Original post by OoohLaaaLaaaaaaa
Customer Care Assisant is the one you see greeting customers, wiping the tables, mopping/sweeping floors, emptying bins and cleaning the loo's. It's basically cleaning but I think they call it that to make it sound not so bad. It's pretty easy TBH cos the Crew Members all chip in. Not trying to put you off or anything, go for it, being able to get ANY job right now is a blessing. Good luck :smile:

Source: Used to work at McDees as a Crew Member during college holidays!

Why can't they just call it cleaner.. they made it sound good.. LOL.
Your right, any job right is a blessing. So I'll give it my all, i'm guessing on the interview, they'll make me clean up things? Or do some tasks.. I don't know.
Reply 5
Original post by Tanya---
Oh my goodness, ok.. I was not expecting that In the job role. That is not how it was described to me.. I have my interview tommorow. I guess a job is a job, but I'd prefer a crew member job now... So was it easy to get the job? What type of questions did they ask, I kind of know what they will ask.. but I have no idea what to reply.
If they ask me a question like: Why do you want to work in Mcdonalds? - I Have NO idea what to say, I don't want to work there, its my last resort. So I don't know what to say.
But thanks anyway.

Don't be too put off, its not all that bad! you could probably become a crew member after a while if you wanted to, there are a couple of people at my store who are customer care assistants and work on tills from time to time :smile:
Yea it was pretty easy, the guy who interviewed me was really nice. In the interview he told me a bit about himself like how long he'd worked at mcdonalds and stuff, and then basically described what the job would be about and then asked me a few questions. When he asked why I wanted to work for mcdonalds I just said it was to earn money, but you could also say that you want to meet new people or you think they're a good company to work for? no one really wants to work at mcdonalds so just lie a bit :tongue:
They might also ask you to talk about a time when you've worked as part of a team. There might also be a chance for you to ask questions too, you could ask about the pay, how long the shifts are, how long breaks are, if there are any oppurtunities for development, anything to make you look interested!!

good luck with your interview!
Reply 6
Original post by alishpie
Don't be too put off, its not all that bad! you could probably become a crew member after a while if you wanted to, there are a couple of people at my store who are customer care assistants and work on tills from time to time :smile:
Yea it was pretty easy, the guy who interviewed me was really nice. In the interview he told me a bit about himself like how long he'd worked at mcdonalds and stuff, and then basically described what the job would be about and then asked me a few questions. When he asked why I wanted to work for mcdonalds I just said it was to earn money, but you could also say that you want to meet new people or you think they're a good company to work for? no one really wants to work at mcdonalds so just lie a bit :tongue:
They might also ask you to talk about a time when you've worked as part of a team. There might also be a chance for you to ask questions too, you could ask about the pay, how long the shifts are, how long breaks are, if there are any oppurtunities for development, anything to make you look interested!!

good luck with your interview!

Thank you so much, I'm feeling a little more relaxed now :smile:
Original post by Tanya---
Thank you so much, I'm feeling a little more relaxed now :smile:

Awww don't worry just be yourself and you'll be fine chuck! But yeah, ask a question or two just to show you're genuinely interested, cos people tend to leave after a few weeks (or fortnights lol - thats how often pay is!) of being paid! Just show some kind of commitment. x

Reply 8
Original post by OoohLaaaLaaaaaaa
Just show some kind of commitment. x


Well I had the interview. And the staff there are soo rude, I told them I have come for an interview and they made me wait for 50 minutes, until I was finally interviewed. I was asked whether I wanted a customer care assistant role or crew member. And silly me, I said customer care assistant, only because I was thinking about the money there and then. But looking back on it, I'm thinking damn, i'm a cleaner.
They said they'll call me back.. so hopefully I got it. :smile:
Reply 9
Sorry to drag up an old thread but I have just applied for a f/t job in the Customer Care role in McD.. this thread was very helpful... I hope I get it.I am really in need of a new job asap and am looking for something not too taxing so cleaning, wiping tables etc, is fine by me. As its ful ltime I am hoping I will make enough to start paying £500 p.m back to my debt. Just finished my online application, fingers crossed I will hear something soon:biggrin:
Any other imput from people doing this job will help too - thank you!:smile:
Reply 10
Tell me about yourself?
Why do you want to work here?
Do you know how many staff works there in that McDonald?
Asked me bus no I have taken for commuting to McDonalds.
How much time do you required to commute?
Flexibility in working shifts and working days.
How many hours can you work?
About working in UK (I came here as a dependant so he asked me abt Passport visa and
my husband is working in UK on work permit or PR. Then about work permit. And after expiry
of that WP are we going to live in UK or not?)
Educational Qualifications?
What qualities do you need to work at McD.
Suitable work for me (At the till or Food preparation or any other)?
Sizes of shirts Pants if I get job there.
Almost these questions he asked me and I was expecting that he will say to do
something on floor or taking order etc but he didn’t tell me anything like that.
My interview was over!!!!
Reply 11
I applied for a crew member job, got the interview, it went great, got a job! except i look more closely at the email for the title of my job and it says customer care assistant!! i have my 'welcome day' on saturday, should i tell them that i want to be a crew member (working on the tills, the kitchen, the drive thru, cleaning tables)?? i dont want to clean the toilets etc!
Original post by AntRose
I applied for a crew member job, got the interview, it went great, got a job! except i look more closely at the email for the title of my job and it says customer care assistant!! i have my 'welcome day' on saturday, should i tell them that i want to be a crew member (working on the tills, the kitchen, the drive thru, cleaning tables)?? i dont want to clean the toilets etc!

I would flag it up to them if you would rather be a Crew Member.
Although you will have to chip in and help clean to cover breaks, sickness, holidays e.c.t, and that includes cleaning the toilets! When I was a Crew Member everyone helped out at some point.
Reply 13
I am a Customer Care Assistant and have been more more then 4 years, I am absolutely disgusted with what I have read in this post especially with being called a "cleaner" We are a lot more then just "cleaners. We are the first people customers see and have to provide a welcoming atmosphere and excellent customer services at all times, we meet and great customers, handle all complaints, assist crew members throughout the shift with what ever they want us to do, as well as being responsible for the cleanliness of the entire customer areas. I think all of you have the wrong attitude, we are meant to be part of a team and I am sooooo glad you are not working as "crew" members in my store, not one of you would make a good customer care assistant as you have to put others first and not yourselves.
(edited 10 years ago)
Im a customer care assistant too at maccies, trust me its not a horrible job. Plus the pay is excellent, im only 16 and get £6.51 an hour whereas a 19year old crew member only gets £5.28 so its more worth it. Plus crew members get hassled by the manager alot and it can get soo busy for them. Customer care assistants really do have the better job plus every crew member at my store always complain about how they want to be a part of the lobby staff (customer care assistants). Plus cleaning toilets is a little off putting but the key to them is just staying ontop and regularly checking them so you dont have much to do apart from the mirrors :smile:
Reply 15
Hey I have a job interview tomorrow I'm 16 and im a boy I want to know if I get the job because I applie for Customer Care Assistant will I work on tills too or not thanks x
Hi everyone I applied for the customer care assistant I have an interview next week, may someone give me a little information on what to wear an if I should be taking anything aka birth certificate or something I am a UK citizen also the pay I have my own place so I will need to know how much I will be getting. Thank you
hey guys! i applied for customer care assistant and i got the job, my OJ is tomorrow. I was wondering how much i would get paid. As i have heard loads of different things and i forgot to ask when there. btw im 17 :smile:
Reply 18
hi how do you answer 'McDonald’s is a global brand and offers great opportunities; if you join us, what do you hope to add to our team?'
Original post by S.Wahid
hi how do you answer 'McDonald’s is a global brand and offers great opportunities; if you join us, what do you hope to add to our team?'

I'm in the same boat, what'd you put??? I really need to get a new job

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