The Student Room Group
Maximuscle are expensive but is not necesarilly the best.
Reply 2
vastly increase metabolism? Do some exercise, you lazy ****.
Reply 3
Why don't you skip on the parts you want the layer removed from, then have a normal dinner in the evening. Worked for me. But I need to get back to the gym.
Reply 4
total dont just "work on" the parts you "want the layer removed from". if you're gonna drop fat, which is what you will need to do to get those abs showing its gonna come off every part of ur body. dont skip breakfast, i cant see any point in that either.

run around 3 miles at a steady pace/ or 45-60 minutes of stationary bike cardio every morning to burn fat, before u eat. have ur breakfast right after that. then fit that same amout of cardio in again at some point during the day. make ur protein intake very high. eat very little carbs but each meal include some complex carbs so that the protein will digest more effectively.increase slightly the amount of abs exercises you do.

you could consider fat bruning pillls to complement the cardio.apparently they work, but im not sure how expensive/healthy they are. good luck
vastly increase metabolism? Do some exercise, you lazy ****.

werd to that.

Im a lazy **** too though when it comes to cardio :frown:
does anyone know of anygood fat strippers to get the last small layer of fat of abs, so ur six pac isnt just good but so it is really ripped? also can anyone recomend any good protein supplements, maximuscle seem good, anyone know anything about them?

also does anyone know of anyways to vastly increase metabolism?


Reply 7

word to that
Reply 8
Take some potassium tablets they get the water out of your muscles and therefore make them more cut. If u want to lose fat reduce your calorie intake overall and excercise alot more. Try dropping down to 2k calories per day then run off like 600 of those at the gym depending on how busy your life is...
Reply 9
steroids? dud you have no clue about them so please dont bring them up.

the best fat strippers are a healthy clean diet with lots of cardio. eat about 6 times a day, 3 small meals and 3 snacks just as fruit, yog, veg or something like that. what is your goal though?

is it a general fat loss or are you wanting to lose fat so muscles are more prominent?

protein supplements help to put on weight by building muscle, but they are only worth taking once you have a decent diet. remember, protein supplements are just that, a simple supplement.
Reply 10
does anyone know of anygood fat strippers to get the last small layer of fat of abs, so ur six pac isnt just good but so it is really ripped? also can anyone recomend any good protein supplements, maximuscle seem good, anyone know anything about them?

also does anyone know of anyways to vastly increase metabolism?


uh, they sell 'fat metaboliser' tpe things in most health food stores.

supposedly hydroxycut is the thing to use, but i don't personally have any experience...
To loose fat you have to cut down your calorie intake- just by a bit mind (300 cal a day) otherwise your body will soon **** off all that muscle you have.
Reply 12
Yeah, i havent personally used it either, but Hydroxycut is supposed to work wonders, or so ive been told. Why are you wanting to cut just before winter anyway? Bulking and cutting spring makes more sense
Reply 13
To loose fat you have to cut down your calorie intake- just by a bit mind (300 cal a day) otherwise your body will soon **** off all that muscle you have.

thats the general idea yes but it all depends on the persons lifestyle, i.e. levels to activity, type of job, amount of excercise already done through walking etc etc.

like i said earlier, eat clean and regularly, do excercise and stick with it. morning jogs, say 10 mins after waking up and jogging on an empty stomach 3 times a week will do wonders for fat loss too as your metbolism is eleviated (spelling?!) during the day. night jogs arent really worth it as your metbolism rate decreases dramatically while you sleep.

once youve sorted out a diet and excercise regime, then you can think about supplements, message me if you need any help doing some planning on it.

that goes for anyone else out there too, im not a fitness trainer or study a fitness related course but i have done loads of my own planning and research as im into weight training myself, im quite muscular too / ish as im bulking up at the moment so yeah, its just something i enjoy and know a little bit about.
Reply 14
just eat cleanly and count your calories, eat about 2000 cals a day this should help you, cardio burns fat and muscle so in my opinion if you really want to get your muscles to show through hit the weights.
Reply 15
vastly increase metabolism? Do some exercise, you lazy ****.

Great advice! :wink:

I agree with you - it's great to see some good advice in amongst all the bull!

Simply - Creatine powder will work yes and so will protein suppliments but if you don't exercise it's very pointless.

Ignore the bull here though: steroids, fat metabolisers, potassium tablets... hehe... bull, bull and more bull...

I suggest you moderators do something... this is a bit worrying how wrong some of this advice is!
Reply 16
How exactly will creatine and protein power promote fat loss?

Why is it pointless if you don't exercise?
Reply 17
How exactly will creatine and protein power promote fat loss?

Why is it pointless if you don't exercise?

I think you question too much! :rolleyes:
Reply 18
does anyone know of anygood fat strippers to get the last small layer of fat of abs, so ur six pac isnt just good but so it is really ripped? also can anyone recomend any good protein supplements, maximuscle seem good, anyone know anything about them?

also does anyone know of anyways to vastly increase metabolism?


Wtf What about your health? All the stuff you're talking about is really unhealthy.

Just eat more vegetables and fruits and actually move away from the keyboard for once...