The Student Room Group
i would go over and make the first move
Reply 2
Good plan qwerty_st/n - it doesn't have to be the guy who makes the first move in any relationship. Nor is it a bad thing for a guy or girl to be shy!
Reply 3
If you regret not making the move then just forget about your shyness and go for it, otherwise you will never know! But personally if I was that girl, i would make the first move anyway!
what if the girl also seems shy?
Reply 5
what if the girl also seems shy?

Difficult, but someone has to make the first move - if the girl/guy is also shy, try to make the first leap to introduce yourself! :smile:
What do girls think when some guy is checking them out, the girl smiles but the guy does not say anything because he is too shy? :frown:

a perfect scenario imo for the girl to go over and say hi! :smile:
I wouldn't normally smile, becasue I'm too shy. But if I did smile at a guy and he didn't smile back, I'd just keep doing what I was doing before. But it is very nice to get a smile from a guy, makes you feel happy :wink:
Reply 8
I love it if that happens. It seems a lot more flattering to me than guys being overly confident. So I'd smile back. And if I saw him again, I'd smile some more and talk to him.
ok, so i should make an effort to make small talk next time? what could i say? :redface:
Reply 10
ok, so i should make an effort to make small talk next time? what could i say? :redface:

nice shoes want to f...ridge?
ok, so i should make an effort to make small talk next time? what could i say? :redface:

next time you find urself eyeing her up and she smiles at you just give her a shy smile back, if she's like dead keen on you it'll make her go weak at the knees
If I was in that situation i'd say something like "Your boyfriend must love you having a smile like that?". Believe it or not females aren't that dumb. If she wants you to go away she'll probably respond saying "Yes, her boyfriend does love it" (whether she has a b/f or not). If she says she is single then say something like "Then no one will object to me buying you a drink".

Give it a shot.
It really depends on how much i have had to drink.
Reply 14
I am a shy girl and well i would prefer the guy to make the first move. A smile is a good beginning!