The Student Room Group
Um...I don't have panic attacks so I wouldn't know if it was normal, not that panic attacks are normal in the first place!
Reply 2
i think thats something to do with lack of air, and i get these wierd sensations in my chest.

You ought to be careful there, not that you'll get Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, but still safe to see a doctor if you do get panic attacks frequently. :redface: :smile:
Reply 3
Yeah, I had one in the summer...they are scary, but I just needed an hour or so to lie down and rest before I got my breath back. I didn't realise what was happening at the time, it's weird now to look back and realise it was a panic attack!
Reply 4
Yeah, lack of air means you yawn more, it's why we yawn.

I only get panic attacks in summer because of a certain type of flying thing...
Reply 5
i've only ever had one thing you could class as a panic attack, but now that you mention it I was yawning alot!

spooky. Although it was about 9.30pm when i had it...
Reply 7
Caster Troy2

If you have nothing constructive or helpful to say, then don't bother commenting :mad:

To ledzep15, I can understand why you might yawn a lot before, as it's your body's way of trying to get more oxygen, like Sopheh said. If panic attacks are really bad, it might be worth going to see your GP.
You yawn when you have too much carbon dioxide inside of you (and this is ultimately what a panic attack is because you aren't breathing properly). I get it too; but anyway that's just what my doc says.
Reply 9
when i have panic attacks i start yawning, i think thats something to do with lack of air, and i get these wierd sensations in my chest.

I tend to get alot of trapped wind (not down there) if anything, but sometimes yawning is one i get to
Reply 10
You yawn when you have too much carbon dioxide inside of you (and this is ultimately what a panic attack is because you aren't breathing properly). I get it too; but anyway that's just what my doc says.

So why do they say breath into a paper bag :confused: That would just result in breathing more Co2 in, unless the idea is to prevent more oxygen entering which results in more C02. Hm :confused: