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Reply 1
Life is for living. Living is being happy. If reading makes you happy then you are living- the whole point of life. Dont do things because other people want you to, do whatever makes you happy!

Personally, I dont do things for the benefit of other people. I go out to pubs, clubs etc. to make new friends and have fun- that makes me happy.

Basically- do whatever floats your boat.
Reply 2
Max Power
people always say that you should do what makes you happy. Yet they criticise you if what makes you happy is something different to socialising, smoking, pigging out and getting drunk.

I don't want to go out. I find that i am far more content on my own reading a book, going to the gym or studying law. I should receieve respect for doing these constructive things and doing what makes me happy.

yet i am regarded as either a thug or a bookworm.

society is odd. everyone is always trying to be different and unique, but because everyone goes about it the same way, they all end up being the same moronic sheeps.

I am the one unique person. I am Max Power.

I agree - I don't want to go out. I like reading or studying or exercising. And yes, most people are sheep.
Ye, im the same! I dont do clubs. bars occasionally, but im far more happy in with a film or a good book, or just cuddled up with my boyfriend. I'm lucky that i have a girl in my flat very similar to me, so we spend time together watching dvds!
Max Power
people always say that you should do what makes you happy. Yet they criticise you if what makes you happy is something different to socialising, smoking, pigging out and getting drunk.

I don't want to go out. I find that i am far more content on my own reading a book, going to the gym or studying law. I should receieve respect for doing these constructive things and doing what makes me happy.

yet i am regarded as either a thug or a bookworm.

society is odd. everyone is always trying to be different and unique, but because everyone goes about it the same way, they all end up being the same moronic sheeps.

I am the one unique person. I am Max Power.

I'm kind of in the same position as you. I don't know if its my A-levels or if I'm just using it as an excuse, but I've just got in the habit of not going out. I used to go out a lot, but now I'm also conscious of alcohol damaging brain cells (I know my friends would laugh at me if I said that) and affecting my short-term memory. My friends are good- one of them who goes out does not drink, and everyone respects his wishes. So them laughing at me could not be a reason for me not going out, I really don't know. Perhaps its me being lazy now.
....... and no, you're not unique nor max power
Fair enough :smile: I'm not that keen on people, I think after Fresher's Week people will be staying in a bit more and studying! But do whatever you want and screw what anyone else thinks.
Well, its not so much that its only socially acceptable to get drunk, but there are i spose social levels of acceptance that surround a certain level of integration. They're more likely to be unsure of how to behave around you, and possibly a little upset that you're so reserved. But i dunno.
im exactly the same as you! and gradually over the years it has led to friends becoming bored of me and me becoming deppressed
Psychologically people need other people! And thats why they dont understand it when people pull back. You dont like people anyway, so what does it matter what you're labeled as being?
Reply 9
Max Power
it's odd. i'm not shy. far from it. i just reject society. people make me miserable. i am content on my own. i just don't want to be labelled a freak for doing what i want but in an unusual fashion that opposes social traditions of gettting drunk and pigging out.

Stephhen Patrick Morrissey has finally found TSR :biggrin:

May I suggest getting a remove island some where? I don't give a toss about conforming to society but I still go out, the way I see if it people think I am geeky freak that is there problem. Nothing will stop me from dancing like Ian Curtis in clubs - even though I do look like I have escaped from a mental hospital.
Reply 10
There's nothing wrong with not wanting to go out to get 'wasted' on a Friday or Saturday night!
Reply 11
Max Power
well actually i am unique.

truth is i just don't like people. i do not feel happy when i am around people. as a result i avoid people. i never speak to my housemates, and they like to stay in as well. In avoidiing people i am making myself happy. Yet i am regarded as rude and aloof for doing so. Seems like there is only one socially accepted way of being happy. Meet people and get drunk. weeeheyy

i like animals.

Im kinda the same people don't interest me they just have the same conversations in and out everyday and it seems everyone has more or less the same personality :redface: I just stay at home I like to go for walks and go running though, sports clubs etc.
Reply 12
Okay, you're 'unique'.
*Pats head*
Ok, i dont want to sound a major b*tch, but you sounded a little stuck up in that post Max Power, though im sure that wasnt your intention! Lots of people arent they way you think they are! Besides the fact that i dont run at 6 am, and i dont hate people, i hold those values! Ive never been drunk, i havent been out in weeks, and even then it was just an acoustic night and i was only there for about half an hour.

Everyone's different! Some people like to go clubbing everynight, and talk through lectures and write essays at 2AM, some people stay in and work hard! You're just as judgemental as the people who judge you!
Max Power
people always say that you should do what makes you happy. Yet they criticise you if what makes you happy is something different to socialising, smoking, pigging out and getting drunk.

I don't want to go out. I find that i am far more content on my own reading a book, going to the gym or studying law. I should receieve respect for doing these constructive things and doing what makes me happy.

yet i am regarded as either a thug or a bookworm.

society is odd. everyone is always trying to be different and unique, but because everyone goes about it the same way, they all end up being the same moronic sheeps.

I am the one unique person. I am Max Power.

That last line is somewhat weird...but I guess that isn't too surprising not being too much of a socialite.

Socialising is less about achieving something and more about feeling better about yourself. People socialise to forget that they're failures, that they're not as talented as they wish... Why do people like chavs hang out together? To hide from the fact they have nothing going for them and somehow find people who will give them some recognition.

Are you sure you don't need recognition? Are you more comfortable with a distorted image of yourself? What socialising can do is maybe see yourself a bit more realistically. There are a lot of young kids (not sure how old you are) who don't get out much, hang out with just a couple of people who are always the same and develop the idea that they're an amazing person and then once in a situation where they have to socialise and interact more, say sixth-form or uni or whatever, get knocked down a peg or two...

You should maybe push yourself a bit to socialise. Don't force yourself and put yourself in an excessively awkward situation but you probably will need to socialise at some point.
I say I go out quite a bit. Why? Because I enjoy it, solely on that reason. I enjoy being part of hilarious conversations, expressing my thoughts and feelings to other people for understanding and comfort, and also hearing how other people of different walks of life act within in this world. I also drink because I actually like the taste of most alcohol (especially wine), and it puts me at an ease, and gives me more confidence to be open with people. I don't smoke because my throat is husky enough without fags ruining it.

Fair dues if you want to stay in be yourself. I was like that for years, to be perfectly honest. I mean I really didn't go out anywhere, apart from school. But I do find going out to be a lot of fun. And that makes me happier. But if you just likr staying in and reading a book, that's fair enough. A lot of people like time to their self, it's a great way to relax and reflect I suppose. And if that makes you happpy, then all the best for you.

But whatever you do (and this goes for Poica), don't go 'round calling people moronic sheep on the basis that they enjoy going out. The way you socialise does not make you unique and another person not. Don't gander the impression that just because I like to socialise at pubs, clubs etc that I have no level of intellect.
Reply 16
Life is for living. Living is being happy. If reading makes you happy then you are living- the whole point of life. Dont do things because other people want you to, do whatever makes you happy!

Personally, I dont do things for the benefit of other people. I go out to pubs, clubs etc. to make new friends and have fun- that makes me happy.

Basically- do whatever floats your boat.

I agree with you totally,
i think the people who complain about this thoe are the people who like to be in control, and if your not doing what they suggest you do then there not in control are they.
Reply 17
Ive always enjoyed going out a lot. It's got to the stage where I'm horrendously bored if I don't go out.
Reply 18
I agree that it takes a lot to say 'I don't go clubbing I stay in every night'. I go to a badminton club on my own but there are loads of people my age there who constantly talking about last nights clubbing experiences. At first people kept asking me 'did u go out last night' and I suddenly felt ashamed to say no I felt I needed to have some kind of excuse so I added ' I had an headache all night lol. Othertimes they asked me I said I went to a friends house, when I think I was at home by myself listening to music all night lol.

This was last year but a few weeks ago the instructor asked if I went clubbing etc and I said not really and he was like so your just sitting at home tonight and I automaticly said I was going to my friends with her friends, and he said something like 'why are you going with her friends can't you go with yours, I would have thought your a popular girl with being at uni' I just ignored him lol but if a 50 year old bloke is hinting that im unpopular I must be soooooo uncool lol!!
Guess I kinda asked for it though by lying :redface:

It is so hard to admit that I don't go clubbing, which no doubt just adds to my uncoolness :p:
Reply 19
alio, ur picking up my vibes.

people feel uncomfortable for saying that they did nothing over the weekend.

i may have enjoyed that weekend. Ok, i stayed in, read a book, played music, studied and chilled out. i was content. But, to admit u did nothing is supposed to be uncool.

Well i define cool as somebody who does what they wanna do, and to hell with everyone else. I don't want to go out. I am not uncool because of this, and i will not be made to feel a freak for doing what i want to do.

that's not to say that those who do go out clubbing ot whatever are uncool. my point is that just because u don't go out, u are not necessarily uncool.

far from it.