The Student Room Group

this personw who i know

we used to be best mates. hang out all the time and then we had a big fall out coz i thought she was going wid my ex while i was still wid him, they didn't reasure me once they wern't going at it behind my back what was i supose to think?

she wanted make friends with me after that, it lasted about 3 months i introduced her to this guy i was kinda seeing. she got all funny about it me having other mates and started ignoring me and shes been telling my best mate how much she hates me and she thinks im a slag and all sorts of other immature bitchy comments.

i can't be dealing with it because i have a short fuse, when it comes to disrespect. she text me saying summin realy bad had happened to my best mate, (who moved away) she lied. shes been telling her she wants to be mates wid me again and that im a slag coz i like guys? does that make every girl a slag then!!

i asked her what the problem was. she can't defend herself at all. she has never been able to, she can't speck to people like that and about them if she can't defend herself!
i really dunt wanna have to have words with her im stressed enough as it is trying to find work, i may have no alternative then to work the same place as her ,as ive gone for imterviews in most shops and not got jobs yet.
its like being back at school

do u think its the right thing to do by not biting back,

after calling me a slag she had the cheek to text me asking if i was going clubbing. she knows i have no money which made me angry so i threw my phone at the floor.
i can't help it i get really angry i can't bite my tongue and count to ten coz it makes it worse lol :eek:
Do you think you could re-phrase and puctuate some of that because it doesn't make sense. But from what i gathered this girl is being two faced and isn't worth bothering with, You not a slag cos you like guys, I like guys, most girls like guys, even some guys like guys, it doesn;t make you a slag, your only a slag if you sleep with several in quick succession.
Reply 2
sorry about the gramer and punctaion i am very dylexic and i can't make sense of puncation i just put it all in the wrong places sorry i hope i dunt annoy people doing that

abit of a dumbass me lol shes the one going around wid every guy she works with
and judges me for having fun god she is going to do it to the wrong person
and im not gunna pick up the pieces for her ill walk away