The Student Room Group
Reply 1
im sure the girls can get more ._.
Reply 2
Depends; working at marriot hotel in york i could get anything from £2 to £40. Just depends on time of year, type of customers you get, whether the kitchen can be a***ed etc.
depends on the nights you're working. I work in Ask, in Ipswich - we pool our tips, and share with the bar-guy each night, cos it's always a floor-staff person working the bar.

During the week, we generally make five-ten quid a night, and then Friday, Saturday, can go home with twenty quid cash. That's split between five or so on a weeknight, and nine on a weekend. Mind you, we're right by a cinema, so we get a lot of custom and turn-over, and it's hard-bloody-work for our tips. And we're near the football stadium, so when it's a home-game, it's awful! :rolleyes:

It all depends on the hours you work, what your section is like that night, what sort of customers you have in....
Reply 4
depends on the nights you're working. I work in Ask, in Ipswich - we pool our tips, and share with the bar-guy each night, cos it's always a floor-staff person working the bar.

During the week, we generally make five-ten quid a night, and then Friday, Saturday, can go home with twenty quid cash. That's split between five or so on a weeknight, and nine on a weekend. Mind you, we're right by a cinema, so we get a lot of custom and turn-over, and it's hard-bloody-work for our tips. And we're near the football stadium, so when it's a home-game, it's awful! :rolleyes:

It all depends on the hours you work, what your section is like that night, what sort of customers you have in....

Hehe ipswich boy, cool im from woodbridge and work at notcutts in woodbridge.

Soz if off topic just not many ppl from suffolk on here. A mate of mine was at ask last sat nite with his gf hehe cool
Reply 5
When i used to work in the pub it varied on the night, season and what type of customers you have coming in.

Now whenever I go out i always tip at least 10% of the bil and the offer of an alcoholic drink of their choice often more depends on how good the guy or girl is at my table.
I just wanna know how much tips do waiters get, i got £11.20 today :biggrin:

Waiters shouldn't be tipped! BLOODY AWFUL!

No but seriously, I think they should just include a compulsory tip in the cost of the meal. I mean, a tip is just about compulsory any way, it would save some hassle. And it's not like it's going to make that much difference, seeing as drinks are offered at extortionate prices.
Reply 7
Tipping is a good thing (you will realise this if you work in the industry). A tip is not compulsory, you can decide based on the quality of the person serving you and the food.
Reply 8
i have been working as a waitress for a while now, and haven't got any tip.i mean i get it but all the tip are put into a bowl, and first i thought it was cause you get it at the end of the day and i haven't worked until we have closed, my shift always end before. but now i don't know. this is a small place and they go around but not much more and therefore i feel so stupid asking about this. also cause the tip isn't always that much and cause i get a free meal. are those to even related, if you get a free meal does that mean no tip? but it still bothers me a little cause i could use the money no matter how small the amount is. one time there was a family there that i knew and they gave me some extra tip but i never got it, i feel so insecure about brining this up i mean it isn't that much, and i'm afraid they fire me or something.
i have been working as a waitress for a while now, and haven't got any tip.i mean i get it but all the tip are put into a bowl, and first i thought it was cause you get it at the end of the day and i haven't worked until we have closed, my shift always end before. but now i don't know. this is a small place and they go around but not much more and therefore i feel so stupid asking about this. also cause the tip isn't always that much and cause i get a free meal. are those to even related, if you get a free meal does that mean no tip? but it still bothers me a little cause i could use the money no matter how small the amount is. one time there was a family there that i knew and they gave me some extra tip but i never got it, i feel so insecure about brining this up i mean it isn't that much, and i'm afraid they fire me or something.

Just take your tip in future
hmmm im interested in becoming a waitress but is there an age limit and how do u become one?? anyone have any advice?
Reply 11
I don't understand why waiters/waitresses are more deserving of tips than anyone else. I've tried both waitressing, cleaning, and working as office staff in a hospital and I have to say that waitressing was by *far* the easiest of those jobs. Waiters are paid wages just like everyone else, makes no sense that those of us who work equally hard or harder are expected to donate our wages to them. I just do not get it. I was bewildered as to what the fuss was about when I was waiting.
Reply 12
Someone I know earnt £80 from one (very large) party alone. Average per night was £50+
Reply 13
Big events = big tips, like the races managed to get 70 squid over one 4 day meeting, its just making sure you work in the right place (corporate boxes) and that you really pull your finger out and work hard, no skyving off, keeping drinks topped up (yes get them pissed but who cares, it greases theirs pockets a bit more!). Its easier if your one on one not in a big restaurant where tips have to be shared.
Someone I know earnt £80 from one (very large) party alone. Average per night was £50+

In the right place, waitressing is ridiculously lucractive.

I work for TGI Fridays - I have my own section of tables, and every tip left by my guests goes directly to me. I tip out 10% to the bar at the end of my shift. If you're experienced therefore can handle lots of tables at once (bearing in mind you are solely responsible for everything, we don't have food or drinks runners) then you can quite literally earn a fortune.

On a weeknight, working 5-11pm-ish, the average is about 40 pounds. If people leave a grat on their credit card, it goes directly into my wages. On a weekend, I usually just do a double shift on a Saturday, so maybe 12-11ish, but usually earn around 80 pounds. Did 110 a couple of weeks back. And from mid-Nov to end Dec, when the big company parties come in, you will do that on one table. Its fab.

If you work hard, schmooze with the guests and make sure they always have a drink, and apologise and be VERY embarassed if something goes wrong ie if food is cold, they think you're great and tip loads. As a result I am yet to break into my overdraft. (and I'm in my final year)

Would recommend strongly to all!!