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English Coursework.. 1984 and Fahrenheit 451

I have chosen those 2 texts for my comparitave essay at A-level.
My title is:
"How is totalitarian terror explored in these novels?"
which I thought'd be good, because there's lots to say about it, that being the main theme of the books, buut I dont understand to compare it, and to do it without just re-telling the story.
I think it's just going to make me really stressed again...:s-smilie: Can anything help point me in the right direction or help me, before I spazz out? Cheers
Reply 1
I did 1984 for my personal study at higher english this year. A good way to look at the book is not just how totalitarian terror is explored but to look at the plight of the sensitive individual due to the totalitarian regime.

When you say compare it im not sure what you mean but ill tell you what i take from it anyway. You should look at the symbolism used in the book and compare it to modern day society, e.g. the telescreen relating to media propeganda.

Hope that gives you some topics to think on :wink:
Reply 2
hey, yeah that's a start.. thanks very much!!!!!! anyone else think of anything? im writing it this week but it's so haaaaard!!!