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Reply 1
.....nope....don't get that....
Reply 2
He said when he we were together he thought people were looking at us.... im bathled! Please someone tell me this has happened to them too!
Reply 3
I'm not sure but i think i've just been dumped for being too pretty! I don't think i'm stunning or anything but a guy i was seeing has just told me he doesnt want to see me anymore cause he thinks im too attractive for him! Is this strange?! or is this common!?!

Two words.


Either he's depressed (and feeling a bit worthless), or it's an excuse.
Reply 5
Toy Soldier
Either he's depressed (and feeling a bit worthless), or it's an excuse.

And a rather weak excuse at that.
excuses can be lame, especially ones that come from girls...."it's not you, it's me" etc

never believe what you are first told as a reason for being dumped, last time I got the "just want to concentrate on my work at the moment" yeah right

another classic is "I just feel I would rather be single at the moment"....(until you see them shacked up with someone else a few weeks later)

sometimes when time has passed and water gone under the bridge, the real truth comes out later
He said when he we were together he thought people were looking at us.... im bathled! Please someone tell me this has happened to them too!

My boyfriend tells me everyday that i am too pretty for him but has never considered dumping me for it. What was this guy on, surely he would be thrilled to be going out with such a pretty girl? I don't know any guy who would dump a girl for being too pretty.
Reply 8
My girlfriend is way too good for me! But Christ id never break up with her for it.
I love all the guys staring at her ass etc as she walks past, especially when im there cos I can grin and go yeah that’s mine. :biggrin:
"that's mine"??? Women aren't objects, y'know.

Either he has a crippling inferiority complex or he's making up a "you're too good for me" excuse rather than hurting your feelings.

Anyone remember that scene in Closer where Jude Law tells Natalie Portman he's been sleeping with Julie Roberts, and he goes "you're too..." and she goes "Don't say that I'm too good for you. I am, but don't say it."

Just a little pop culture reference for you all there.
Reply 10
My girlfriend is way too good for me! But Christ id never break up with her for it.
I love all the guys staring at her ass etc as she walks past, especially when im there cos I can grin and go yeah that’s mine. :biggrin:
ok my bad, posted that twice then. god i hate Mondays. :rolleyes:
Objet trouvé
"that's mine"??? Women aren't objects, y'know.

Either he has a crippling inferiority complex or he's making up a "you're too good for me" excuse rather than hurting your feelings.

Anyone remember that scene in Closer where Jude Law tells Natalie Portman he's been sleeping with Julie Roberts, and he goes "you're too..." and she goes "Don't say that I'm too good for you. I am, but don't say it."

Just a little pop culture reference for you all there.

WOMEN AREN'T OBJECTS??? since when lol?

no but all jokes aside i wasnt percieving my girlfriend as an object, i treat her like a princess! i wasnt classing "thats mine" as her ass! ill change it to "shes mine" as in she is my girlfriend.
i treat her like a princess!

Aww, does she have her own little basket in the corner and a special collar with her name on it?
Reply 12
Objet trouvé
"that's mine"??? Women aren't objects, y'know.

While I agree with you, I can't really help laughing at a girl with a username meaning "Found object" saying that. Just something rather hypocritical about it. :rolleyes:

What was this guy on, surely he would be thrilled to be going out with such a pretty girl? I don't know any guy who would dump a girl for being too pretty.

Nope, neither do I...

Nope, neither do I...

Neither do I. Might make you a bit more paranoid about other guys talking to her, but still... you're going to try to get as much as possible while you can aren't you? :biggrin:
Reply 14
He said when he we were together he thought people were looking at us.... im bathled! Please someone tell me this has happened to them too!

Reply 15

You know she meant 'baffled'
While I agree with you, I can't really help laughing at a girl with a username meaning "Found object" saying that. Just something rather hypocritical about it. :rolleyes:

Smartass. It's idiomatic, it means something (or "-one", that being the implication in this case) that is found in say, a junk shop, but turns out to be a real treasure. :p:
Reply 17
I'm not sure but i think i've just been dumped for being too pretty! I don't think i'm stunning or anything but a guy i was seeing has just told me he doesnt want to see me anymore cause he thinks im too attractive for him! Is this strange?! or is this common!?!

He believes in leagues. So what, most people do.
Reply 18
i always go for the trophy gf.
Reply 19
I see this guy's point actually.

How would you satisfy a girl? It's hard and can be a right pain.