The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i'm pretty sure that you apply the next year. they wouldn't be able to allocate your accommodation until august 07 anyway, in order to be fair to other applicants from that year - i think.

you could give them a call to double check -

i do remember people posting on here in recent months who were reaching the end of their gap year and had already obtained their grades. they were applying at the same time as people who hadn't taken a year out.
Reply 2
cool, thanks :biggrin:
Reply 3
i was deferred entry.
you apply the year you're coming to uni- so i applied in about February/March time, but you obviously get a lot of a head start than the other applicants who are applying cos they dont' get to apply until August, you don't get your housing allocated until August like everyone else but still try and get your form in early!
Reply 4
the earlier the better i must say!
Reply 5
Oh brill, nothing like a head start.

And with the deferred entry, do you think it's harder or easier to get a place. I'm worried about my chances now etc!
Reply 6
freshers' guarantee scheme! - this means that you should in theory get a place.
Reply 7
yeah, in theory. remember they are knocking down half of mason though...
Reply 8
yeah, in theory. remember they are knocking down half of mason though...

yeh but it said in redbrick this week that they're finding buildings that are suitable to hire for accomodation until the renovations are complete! 'no student should go without somewhere to live aparantly!
Reply 9
I meant place as in place (er...Y'know! On a course lol!) :biggrin:

It's ok, GAP year is no more. I am now going next year, so B'ham or Cardiff here I come! (Or the gap year is back on :biggrin: )
good luck getting into shackleton...its nearly impossible so get ya form in asap. i didnt and ended up in tennis court...
Reply 11
I meant place as in place (er...Y'know! On a course lol!) :biggrin:

It's ok, GAP year is no more. I am now going next year, so B'ham or Cardiff here I come! (Or the gap year is back on :biggrin: )

thats such a shame- gap year was the best thing i ever did in my life!
good luck getting into shackleton...its nearly impossible so get ya form in asap. i didnt and ended up in tennis court...

you are aware it is done completely randomly, and has no correlation with when you send your form in?

besides, elgar court is better than shackleton as you don't pay the extra £31 a week for meals (the meals are frankly poo, i get them free with work and they aren't nice... in my opinion anyway :wink:)
wen i went to the open day they said to write somewhere on the accommodation form which halls u want to be put in and highlight it and they'll do their best to get u in.