The Student Room Group
Reply 1
You want mine?

1. Post MMR illness
2. Common cold
3. Too many hangovers to remember
Reply 3
I have the beginings of freshers flu and it sucks!! :frown: :frown:
It sucks, but is to be expected...after many nights out drinking, and coming into contact with so many new people.
my symptoms:
1) tired ALL the time
2) sore throat and very bad cold
3) ulcers

Reply 6
Little Girl Red
2) sore throat and very bad cold

:dito: I've lost my voice!
Reply 7
i'm just getting over this whole thing, but have had a really annoying cough for the last week. last night i took one of these night nurse things to sort it out (which makes you drowsy), yet stayed up till 1.20 reading and then a mate called and we spoke till about 2.30. when i did fall asleep, i don't know what happened but i was compeltely out of it, slept through my alarm this morning and missed a lecture!
Reply 8
im a storming cold, sore throat and am home in bed (well..sort of) whilst my dissection table-mates cut up cedric's lower limb. *sigh*
Reply 9
Before uni I always thought freshers flu was a myth. How wrong I was! I'm still recovering. And keep having coughing fits where I can't breathe :frown:
I had Fresher's Flu in Freshers's Week, had a really bad throat virus and couldn't talk for the 1st 4 or 5 days I was at uni! Didn't stop me meeting people though. I don't think drinking every nite did anything for the speed of my recovery though :wink:
i have caught fresher's flu and i'm not even at uni yet! went to stay with my friend this weekend and now today i am ill! charming!
Reply 12
I've got it as well :frown: Dam those freshers! :wink:
My friend emailed me from imperial to tell me she had freshers flu, i told her to stop moaning(and drinking)

Thats seems to be an illness that has yet to cross the irish sea.