The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Deforestation in South America? Global Warming? Abortion in a particular country? Racism in Spain? Immigration in Spain? The part of Spain that wants to be independent(reeeaally should remember what the place is.... The Basque? :confused: not sure, sorry)? look at El Pais (periodico) and get a current article, and talk about it.
Im doing IB Spanish and French, and these are the types of ideas we're encouraged to use- My best grade was in Deforestation. It's good for looking up background information- species conservation, the amount that's destroyed every second, the amazon river (the amazon supports it)
I dont know if they're appropriate for A2, sorry. Just some ideas.
Good Luck! :smile:
Reply 2
The part of Spain that wants to be independent(reeeaally should remember what the place is.... The Basque? :confused:

i think it is the Basque region. yeah, you could do deforestation (can't spell!), the ethical and moral problems in bull fighting (of which nearly all of it is!), if you're going for a literature based course at uni, then spanish authors? but that maybe too AS level, i'm not sure. anyway, hope that helps.
Reply 3
Thanks for the help, very useful :smile:!

Deforestation does sound quite interesting, will have a look into that. I've also been looking at immigration into Spain from Africa, would be quite interesting to compare Spain's policy to that of the UK I thought... more research needed!

Cheers, Jack