The Student Room Group

How do I become a detective?

Hello :smile:
I am currently in year 10 at school and I am thinking about getting a career in either teaching or to join the police as a detective (my dream job!).I have found a lot of information about becoming a teacher but none on how to become a detective!
Please could you tell me what sort of grades I need (currently I have takken a biology and maths GCSE module and got an A) and also how I get to be a detective.
Many thank,

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You have to become a police officer then go up through the ranks...
Reply 2
If you're working as a consulting detective like Sherlock Holmes, then you are freelance, you are self employed.
Reply 3
Well, grades as such are not required. Joining a criminal investigation department is a horizontal move as opposed to vertical. You will require a minimum probation period then apply to join when a position is available. No guarantees though, you will be up against a lot of people.
Reply 5
If someone stole my lovely jubly cake from the window sill I'd ring up Holmes!
Reply 6
Cute :biggrin:
Reply 7
it depends on what you mean by detective, i want to do crime scene investigation, but if you're talking about more police work stuff, then i think you have to become a police officer first, then after a while, you can move onto doing investigation stuff :smile: hope that helps :smile:
My ambition also to become a detective...and i don think this is funny...coz this is an ambition.....
k.....detective is a good jod...i love it too.
But i donno how to become a good detective....
Some police forces in the UK have fast-track options for graduates, but you still have to spend some time as a standard bobby.
Answer- find the right course to study.
Reply 11
Well get friendly with the Admins on TSR. Such as CN or RK ir J CN is Chris Newson and he is the big cheese in TSR's owners ; Acumen PI

Acumen PI own TSR. You can be a PI
Getting a job in the police force is not something you should rely upon atm, ive heard that they are making entrance tests even harder and are trying to make new starters community support for 2 years then you can apply to become a police by the time your 40 you maybe a detective!
I have an idea of becoming a detective and I don't want to become a polive and then progress to become a detective. I want a solid career.
Have any ideas? And if so what gradeshould do I have to get and what do I have to study (subjects)?
Original post by Raji2001
I have an idea of becoming a detective and I don't want to become a polive and then progress to become a detective. I want a solid career.
Have any ideas? And if so what gradeshould do I have to get and what do I have to study (subjects)?

You have zero chance of going straight in as a detective in the police (UK). You have to join as a constable and do your two years probation on the street before you can apply as a trainee detective constable. It is possible to do attachments during your probation but this won't be a permanent position. If you don't really want to be a PC then don't bother, you will get disillusioned and leave before you've even had the chance to apply to CID.

Nowadays to join you need a certificate in knowledge of policing which can cost about £900-£1000; that's really the only "grade" you need, other requirements are on the different force websites.
Thanks for helping me out
It really did help

Posted from TSR Mobile
Hi I’m 21 In a months time and I’m considering becoming a homicide detective now I have read in a few places that I’ll have to be working with the police on the streets for 2 years before I can apply for HD but my question is how do I go about doing any of the things I need to do? Do I get in touch with my local police station? Careers advisor?
Original post by Chloe:'
Hello :smile:
I am currently in year 10 at school and I am thinking about getting a career in either teaching or to join the police as a detective (my dream job!).I have found a lot of information about becoming a teacher but none on how to become a detective!
Please could you tell me what sort of grades I need (currently I have takken a biology and maths GCSE module and got an A) and also how I get to be a detective.
Many thank,

Look into forensics perhaps?
Detective is basically a senior level of policeman. If you were to go to university you could apply to the Police Now graduate scheme which would have you starting off at the bottom of the ladder and you move up as and when these jobs become available. I imagine these are internal/promotional vacancies so this is not the kind of job you would be able to apply to directly. You will need lots of different experience within the police force first before you will be considered for such a position. Otherwise, have a look on your local constabulary website at the vacancies page to see what is there and then you will be able to have a look at the job requirements.

Private investigators are slightly different and as mentioned before are mainly freelance/self-employed with their own business or under a specific contract where they are self employed logging their work hours. I remember seeing a job advert for one recently on Indeed and this was the responsibilities and requirements:

Part Time Self-Employed

All positions are on a part time, self-employed basis and you will need to have experience in:


Both foot and mobile surveillance


Vehicle tracker deployment and retrieval


Report writing and photograph / DVD editing


Emailing of reports and photographs

Key Requirements:


Email and computer literate


Own transport


Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a team


Working history with at least 2 referees


Willing to work throughout the UK


Eligible to work in the UK

If you're serious, how about psychology? Obviously then you'd need something more particular to detective work, but that would provide an excellent foundation I think.