The Student Room Group

*cringe" embarassing friend...

Well i have a male friend who over head me telling my female friends in the strictest confidence that i like a guy. My male friend told me hes "boring" and "too ugly for me" etc
Well my male friend keeps teasing me and generally acting like a prat really!! He went up to the guy i liked an dtold him someone likes him....arghgh

Now i wanna tell this guy i like him and all but i couldn't today BUT i don't know whether its wise. Hes pretty shy and quiet for a guy and well he kept lookking over at me in lunch too and stuff and i dunno what to do. He just keeps looking at me and i think je has a suspicion its me..HELP!

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Reply 1
Just tell him, im sure he will be thrilled (or hide in his hole)
In the case of the friend, knee him in the balls and then tell him to grow up..
or alternatively tell a girl he hates, that hes been having dreams about her :wink: rumours are always fun :smile:
Well i have a male friend who over head me telling my female friends in the strictest confidence that i like a guy. My male friend told me hes "boring" and "too ugly for me" etc
Well my male friend keeps teasing me and generally acting like a prat really!! He went up to the guy i liked an dtold him someone likes him....arghgh

Now i wanna tell this guy i like him and all but i couldn't today BUT i don't know whether its wise. Hes pretty shy and quiet for a guy and well he kept lookking over at me in lunch too and stuff and i dunno what to do. He just keeps looking at me and i think je has a suspicion its me..HELP!

bear in mind at this point that your male friend sounds like he fancies the pants off you otherwise he probably wouldn't be acting in quite the same way.
Reply 3
how the hell does he like me....eerytime the subject of this guy comes up he like scrals blah blah loves blah blah and waves it around psychology to give it an example. Its not funny..i gave him the cold shouldrer today and ignored him and he apologised when he found out i was being serious! BUT he will probably do something embarassing again!!
Reply 4
Agreed, the guy likes you. Sadly, its what us guys sometimes do when we like a girl. :redface:
Reply 5
Oh No This Is All Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tbh it does sound like your friend likes you and he does this stuff because he is jealous and wants to put you off doing anything about your feelings towards this other guy.
Reply 7
how the hell does he like me....eerytime the subject of this guy comes up he like scrals blah blah loves blah blah and waves it around psychology to give it an example. Its not funny..i gave him the cold shouldrer today and ignored him and he apologised when he found out i was being serious! BUT he will probably do something embarassing again!!

He totally fancies you. But clearly you fancy the other guy so pretend you don't realise this guy fancies you and go get the guy you like, and tell the other guy to grow up, making sure you don't act differently around him cos you know he fancies you, or he might get worse :smile:
Reply 8
And if the other guy keeps on looking at you I'd dsay its a good bet he fancies you too, I sincerely doubt hed keep on looking at you if it was just a suspicion you might fancy him heh
wow - your friend is almost definately interested in you - seriously (boys really are sad aren't they!!!)......almost certainly he likes you!
LOL yeah he's into you. How old is he though? Because all that crap is so 15-year-old. :rofl:
Reply 11
Yeah, it's almost certain that he likes you...though to be honest, I sometimes just do random stuff to my female friends when I find out their secrets just to tease them as a bit of fun. Then again, I also flirt a little bit with those friends as well, just as a bit of fun. Yeah, my life's pretty dull :biggrin:

Was surprised the other night when I asked one of those girls out on a date...when I inadvertently let her know that I'd had a crush on her for about a year (with quite a bit of flirting - more so than with any of the other girls, at least), she claimed she didn't know I felt that way.
Reply 12
Oh No This Is All Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, duh.
Reply 13
my friends 17 like me
Reply 15
yup. :rolleyes:
Reply 17

I am at a loss to ascertain how you might yet appear to persist in such juvenile naiveté; you're seventeen: you should long-since have concluded that the bloker sex are nothing if not unconscionably zealous in their seemingly inexorable pursuit of pudenda.

Trust me (then don't; ever again). :rolleyes:
To be honest, when I was 17 I fancied most if not ALL of my female friends, and would get jealous / protective if they started seeing someone "outside the group". It's just the teenage pack mentality :p:
Reply 19
Toy Soldier
To be honest, when I was 17 I fancied most if not ALL of my female friends, and would get jealous / protective if they started seeing someone "outside the group". It's just the teenage pack mentality :p:

I'm still like that, even respecting those individuals that hail from within the 'group'; principally, where the females in question are any among those few with whom I will have formed an inexorable 'bond' of companionship (albeit all-too often a unilateral one).

F*cking sucks, to be frank. :rolleyes: