The Student Room Group

Card on flowers at funeral

This may sound weird but i need some suggestions as to what to write on the card to go in with the flowers for my great grandmas funeral. Im not going to the funeral as my family say i dont have to (its a burial) and i wasnt that close to my great grandma although i am sad she died. When my nan died it was easy to write the card; i just put sleep tight, i love you. Ii doesnt feel right writing a similar thing to my great gran. Any advice? Even just a couple of words to get me started.
Reply 1
Heya. Sorry to hear about your Great Grandma. Hmm, I guess it's completely up to you what you write (which makes it hard!). Perhaps something about a long and happy life, a loving family, nice/privilege to have known you. Maybe something about being with God/Allah etc if you/she have a faith.

Good luck - try not to worry about it - what you mean in your heart is what matters.
Reply 2
Did she mean anything to you? If so, put that.

If not, just keep it simple, something like 'I will always remember you. With love' is suitably bland, and could be interpreted as sweet by people more affected by her death.