Could anyone please help me with the following questions?
1) If glucose has the following formula C6H12O6, calculate its molecular weight.
2) What is a mole?
3) Define a 1M (one molar) solution of glucose
4) What weight of glucose should be weighed out to prepare:
i. 1l (1 litre) of this solution?
ii. 100ml (100 millilitres) of this solution?
5) Define a 0.15M (0.15 molar) or 150mM (150 millimolar) solution of glucose
6) What weight of glucose should be weighed out to prepare:
i. 1l (1 litre) of this solution?
ii. 250ml (250 millilitres) of this solution?
Thinking of this another way:
7) How many moles of glucose would be present in:
1l (1 litre) of a 1mM (1 millimolar) solution?
250ml (250 millilitres) of a 1mM (1 millimolar) solution?
8) Calculate the actual weight of glucose in these solutions:
1l (1 litre) of a 5 micromolar solution
100ml (100 millilitres) of a 5 micromolar solution
9) How would you prepare a solution of 280mM glucose which could be used to treat a dehydrated baby in an emergency?
10) What would be 280mM glucose be expressed as g/l?
11)What would be 280mM glucose be expressed as a % solution?