The Student Room Group

anyone else wear kids clothes?

hi there!

im pretty small, 33-22-34 and 5ft 3 1/2. i usuallu wear size 6 but also love to wear kiddies clothes! my coat right now is age 11-12 Tesco very funky black. all my hoodies are tesco kids range as are my hiking combats and some of my work shirts. i also own a few New Look kids clothes and lovvve it, and also often buy into H&M teen range, and sometimes Debenhams kids range. im 25 btw.

i find shops that make size 4-6 clohtes tend to cost loads like miss selfridge and dorothy p's.

why should we pay more for clothes that use less fabric??:mad::mad::mad:

anyone else favour kids clothes? where do you shop for adult looking cool kiddie clothes?
do you cut the labels out?

omg anyone know where i can get small size evening wear without costing loads? i look in the kids ranges but they all look like a christmas fairy :frown:

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I have a pair of kids jeans! They are age 13 to 14 but cos im tall (5'8) they are bit short but it doesnt matter cos I just wear boots with them :biggrin:
Reply 2
H&M Kids. :cool:
Reply 3
OP, I think this may be why no one wants to have sex with you, if they think you are 12...
i don't wear kids clothes, but my friend does. I think its genius-you pay no tax!!!
Reply 5
I'm size 6-8 but I'm not sure most kids clothes would fit me. I know that some kids shorts would though.

I don't wear them however.
My friends bought tutu skirt things from the H&M kids section...
Reply 7
If I could fit then I would definitely have a look (as long as they didn't look obviously like kids clothes). No tax :woo:
Reply 8
Original post by *twinkletoes*
I have a pair of kids jeans! They are age 13 to 14 but cos im tall (5'8) they are bit short but it doesnt matter cos I just wear boots with them :biggrin:

haha :laugh: same here. I was shopping one day with my cousin and he has a little 4 years old boy , so we went into the kids section and I saw a pair of jeans that looked so lovely and I thought:damn, why can't I find this on female section?. My cousin was like:try them on :biggrin:
I'm 5'7'' and I have long slim legs, the jeans fit me but they're short so I wear them in summer with a pair of sandals :biggrin:
ps: they were only 15 pounds haha :laugh:
Original post by sungirl
haha :laugh: same here. I was shopping one day with my cousin and he has a little 4 years old boy , so we went into the kids section and I saw a pair of jeans that looked so lovely and I thought:damn, why can't I find this on female section?. My cousin was like:try them on :biggrin:
I'm 5'7'' and I have long slim legs, the jeans fit me but they're short so I wear them in summer with a pair of sandals :biggrin:
ps: they were only 15 pounds haha :laugh:

Haha! Yeah kids stuff is great!! I quite often look at tops and think 'ohhh i wish that would fit!' Damn having boobs :frown:
Reply 10
Original post by *twinkletoes*
Haha! Yeah kids stuff is great!! I quite often look at tops and think 'ohhh i wish that would fit!' Damn having boobs :frown:

My friend has a petite frame but quite big boobs, she has few shirts she bought from kids section for 14 years olds and she always wear a tight bra so she could fit in those shirts :biggrin:
Sometimes I see beautiful clothes for kids and think:why dont they do that for mature people :frown:
Original post by sungirl
My friend has a petite frame but quite big boobs, she has few shirts she bought from kids section for 14 years olds and she always wear a tight bra so she could fit in those shirts :biggrin:
Sometimes I see beautiful clothes for kids and think:why dont they do that for mature people :frown:

I know :frown: its really lame! I am in desperate need of a 'going out top' and the kids party tops are perfect - Just the right amount of sparkle but I cant find them in adult sizes ANYWHERE!!
I think your friend has the right idea although I cant imagine it being that comfortable!
Reply 12
Original post by Blueflare
OP, I think this may be why no one wants to have sex with you, if they think you are 12...

why am i gonna pay twice as much for a pair of pants with have 'UK 6' on the inside vs a pair of pants which say 'Tesco Ladybird Age 11-12 yrs 164cm"??
Reply 13
Original post by sungirl

Sometimes I see beautiful clothes for kids and think:why dont they do that for mature people :frown:


also, does anyone get weird looks when going in the changing room with a bunch of kiddie stuff? :rofl:
Reply 14
Original post by shinytoy

also, does anyone get weird looks when going in the changing room with a bunch of kiddie stuff? :rofl:

Zara for example, hey have quite beautiful clothes for kids. I always shop there for my little nephews :smile:
H&M Kids, that's about it though
Reply 16
Original post by sungirl
Zara for example, hey have quite beautiful clothes for kids. I always shop there for my little nephews :smile:

now zara i can wear their xs size however it is always too long for me. also, im curvy like an hourglass so zara's straight cuts dont ever fit right on me.
i never tried their kids range but went to that section a few times and it all looked like for 5 year olds. i find tescos kids range the best
Reply 17
Yup H&M
Reply 19
H+M believe kids are huge, so I wear an age 10-12 in there, cashmere for £15, thanks babe. I'm a size 8 or 10 usually.