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Bad Skin

I have a problem...and thats that i have bad skin!! I know they say your diet effects your skin but im a vegetarian so my diet literally consists of vegetables...I dont have excessive calcium intake or excessive cards/fibre intake which can affect your im ruling out my diet as a factor. I just need to know a way to look after it? I think i have a combination skin because my brow and all around my nose is VERY greasy, yet around my cheeks and chin...these areas are smooth and spot free. I tried the whole clense, tone, mousturise..and went and got some 'witch' cleanser and moisturiser...however this irritated my skin beyond belief and brought me out in a rash! note: I also have VERY sensitive skin so i have to be real careful what im putting on it. I also have steam facials too which dry my skin up and it looks good for a few hours but then starts to get greasy again. Does anyone have any suggestions/products that might be of use to me. Thanks for reading x
Reply 1
I had terrible skin last week. Now it's almost clear. Here's how I did it:
1. Get some face scrub. St Ive's Apricot Scrub is nice, so is boot's own brand (I think it's 3 for 2 now as well).
2. Get some tea tree oil. You can get roll on things which are handy.
3. Get some face blotters. These take excess grease off your face (which causes spots) and leave a bit of powder there instead.
4. Get some facewipes. Good for taking your makeup off before bed and randomly using throughout the day.

Use the face scrub in the morning, then put the tea tree oil on all over the bad areas. When you feel greasy, use the blotters. If your skin feels extra grimy then use the face wipes and put the tea tree oil on after. My skin cleared up in a week, yours should too if you don't have acne or anything.
being vegetarian can be responsible for bad skin because its harder to obtain all the vital nutrients just by eating plants. you may be lacking in essential amino acids which may contribute to poor overall health and skin health.
I had terrible skin last week. Now it's almost clear. Here's how I did it:
1. Get some face scrub. St Ive's Apricot Scrub is nice, so is boot's own brand (I think it's 3 for 2 now as well).
2. Get some tea tree oil. You can get roll on things which are handy.
3. Get some face blotters. These take excess grease off your face (which causes spots) and leave a bit of powder there instead.
4. Get some facewipes. Good for taking your makeup off before bed and randomly using throughout the day.

Use the face scrub in the morning, then put the tea tree oil on all over the bad areas. When you feel greasy, use the blotters. If your skin feels extra grimy then use the face wipes and put the tea tree oil on after. My skin cleared up in a week, yours should too if you don't have acne or anything.
YES, totally seconded :smile: I have unbelievably sensitive skin too so have to be careful what I use to take my makeup off and stuff, but St Ives used as an exfoliator a few times a week works really well and doesn't irritate my skin at all :smile: tea tree is also very gentle but effective as is witchhazel. There's not as much you can do with the nose area, but biore's products ( and Boots' own make rosemary extracts cleansing product are excellent. As a cleanser, I use organic tea tree based stuff which costs a fortune but is literally the only one that doesn't irritate my skin.

Stay far away from the standard products on the market as they're fine for many people, but if you have sensitive skin cause flare ups presumably cos of the many chemical ingredients (not sure about that, but I know something about them definitely has that effect!)
Reply 4
i had to resort to taking the pill, it was the only thing that would clear it up.
Reply 5
Try using a moisturiser for greasy skin, I use one by Simple called Shine Free Moisturiser, soaks up all the excess oil on your face and lasts all day, also its great for sensitive skin as its fragrance free.

Also make sure you drink lots of water.
Reply 6
being vegetarian can be responsible for bad skin because its harder to obtain all the vital nutrients just by eating plants. you may be lacking in essential amino acids which may contribute to poor overall health and skin health.

I'd love to believe this nonsence but im way too educated on vegetarianism to know that this is NOT the case. I also eat Soy protein,The protein from the flakes results in the soy protein isolates.
Isolates are a highly digestible source of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein! Furthermore the only amino acid not available from eating vegetables in vitamin B12..and i take viatmin and mineral supplments with regards to this. Thanks to everyone else who provided valid responses. x
Reply 7
i use the simple range. my skin is very sensitive and this wonder-stuff sorted me out a treat. i also use tea tree products (especially the little dab-on stick for when i get a blemish). but the best thing REALLY IS water. not on your skin but in your body. what a cliche, i know! but honest to god it does work. i drink 2 -3 large bottles of evian a day and although at first it felt like i never stopped nipping to the loo, my face and hair changed almost immedialte and now i get complemented on my skin alot. diet is also important obviously(as you already know).

very best of luck to you