ah, remember all the crazes there were.... ooo tamogotchicis i had a dog one. And those lil furry snakethings you pull through your fingers. and who rememberes those freaky alian things which were like all rubbery, and everyone was convinced that if you put them into the freezer they give birth
Pogs lol what a ledge...apart from I never really know what you were meant to do with them....what a waste of my money...
Talking of a waste of money...who ever had sticker books? I mean...what's the point?! But if like me you were ecstatic about 'swopsies' and getting a SHINY for the football sticker books, then I guess we were the same generation!
i use to love jumping from the top of the stairs to the bottom cos i wanted to fly lol SCx -------------- oh and i definately remeber those freaky alien things!! Used to throw them on the ceiling, and the alien thingy will get stuck there lol Used to do that to ppl's houses when i went with my mum lol