The Student Room Group

Should I give it a go and settle?

Hello, really minor problem but its been on my mind for weeks. Went out with some friends, and one of the lads i had met once or twice told me he really liked me and so on. Kissed once or twice (pecks) and i went home. He send me texts saying how much he liked me and asked me out for a drink (the texts were actually much more possessive and slighty pathectic). Went out again with friends and he was there, asked me out again, load of stuff bout how he wanted a proper girlfriend and even offered to move to uni with me when i go next year (which i find very freaky). He is really nice and a good laugh, but he dosent really make my heart flutter, plus the whole heavy handedness is quite uncomforting. BUT, i am not a great looker myself ( ugly, but confident is me :smile: ) and i am tried of not having had a relationship (am 17).

should i give it a go, ot hold out for someone who does not make me think he is pathectic?

something for the agony aunts out there to thin about :smile:

Reply 1
You obviously not attracted to him so don't go there hold out for the special someone... what would you do if you got together with this guy and someone you really liked (and liked you) passed you by bcuz he saw you as "taken"
dont do it! u'll regret it and u think his possessiveness is irritating now..wait till u go out with him..! when u describe him, u use words like 'freaky' 'possesssive' 'pathetic'.... do u honestly want to go out with a guy who is those things?? no.. you don't. i know its nice to have a b/f but wait for the right guy, ok? it'll make it more special when you do get someone u truly like.. and going out with this weirdo will probably create more problems than it will solve.

gooood luck!!
Reply 3
Hold out.
Reply 4
don't do it.

this relationship is over before it has even begun. You clearly don't fancy him. He sounds quite possessive. If this relationship starts then it may be difficult to end satisfactorily. Best not to even start it.

U'll find someone soon enough. :redface:
Reply 5
I wouldn't say go out with him now. But get to know him - you never know, you may get to really like him as just friends.
Never settle though. Better to wait for the right guy than settle for any guy - 17 isn't that old.
Reply 6
although, just look at the success rates of arranged marriages...they certainly didn't 'fancy' each other first, but the argument goes that you can 'learn' to love someone. meh.
Reply 7
although, just look at the success rates of arranged marriages...they certainly didn't 'fancy' each other first, but the argument goes that you can 'learn' to love someone. meh.

I agree with this philosophy, but do what you feel is right.
DONT DO IT, coz if you dont like him now, you will break up with him for sure and may be break his heart!!! I am sure you will meet your love soon, the same was with me when I was 17. I dated a guy coz thought I had to have serious relationship, so I dated that guy whom I liked..but he didnt make my heart flatter as you wrote...but he loved me a the end, I broke up with him...poor guy...and then just in 3 monthes I accidentaly found this guy, who made my heart flattered and gave me fever when I just thought about him (ina good way) we are together for 2 years now =)
so, dont be in a rush...just let it go and you will meet that right guy for you =)
good luck
Reply 9
you probalby are stunning, everyone has there qualities and its cool that your confident (confidence is something i lack severly! and im not pretty at all so.... im kinda stuck) your the same age as me and i find myself saying i want a relationship all the time but i wont settle for second best, i have to like the guy and there has to be some sort of a spark. this guy seems a bit needy to be honest, and if his texts are possessive now they will be 10x worse if u actually went out with him. there for the relationship is doomed from the begging as you dont fancy him and the possessiveness will drive u insane. im guessing he is older with the whole he will move to uni with you, do u really want a guy like this holding you back? no. dont settle for second best! go out with someone you fancy in return, go out have fun and you will find someone :smile:
Reply 10
I would advise against going out with someone you think is pathetic :biggrin: duh!
Reply 11
Yeah, do you really want to vomit on him the next time he kisses you?

Just ask how much money he has in his bank account; that should settle it.
why not just give it a go- you have litterally nothing to lose...a few dates can't hurt, just dating someone doesn't mean you have to be boyfriend and girlfriend! then you won't be wondering if you made a mistake.
Reply 13
Hello, really minor problem but its been on my mind for weeks. Went out with some friends, and one of the lads i had met once or twice told me he really liked me and so on. Kissed once or twice (pecks) and i went home. He send me texts saying how much he liked me and asked me out for a drink (the texts were actually much more possessive and slighty pathectic). Went out again with friends and he was there, asked me out again, load of stuff bout how he wanted a proper girlfriend and even offered to move to uni with me when i go next year (which i find very freaky). He is really nice and a good laugh, but he dosent really make my heart flutter, plus the whole heavy handedness is quite uncomforting. BUT, i am not a great looker myself ( ugly, but confident is me :smile: ) and i am tried of not having had a relationship (am 17).

should i give it a go, ot hold out for someone who does not make me think he is pathectic?

something for the agony aunts out there to thin about :smile:



So many seeminly normal guys turn a bit doodally when you start going out with them. I hate to think what might happen to this guy if he gets even worse!
Do a poll, be democratic :biggrin:
if u dont really have the heart in the relationship dont do it. You'll regret it. Wait for someone to come who'll make ur heart flutter.