I am a former Cranfield MSc student. I can read a lot of crap here. If you are going to do a MSc but you still think like you are an undergraduate, let me tell you that you are in the wrong place. A MSc is completely different, you will not be expected to be tuitioned, or else you are going through lectures and they will give you an assignment which you must solve BY YOURSELF. They are preparing you for industry. Then, when you will get a job, you will be ready. The companies will not expect to teach you, they will expect you to be profitable from the very first week. For that, you should know how to tackle new problems and sort them by yourself. That is what they teach you at Cranfield.Certainly, the place is not London or Manchester where you can go out and have fun, but you will not have much time for it either. It is quite intensive. I did not have Christmas or Easter holidays because I had three assignments to do and two exams to prepare for. I did not see it very difficult but yes quite hard. I went through because I heard the initial words during presentation: Perseverance and been constant. As mature student, I felt displaced, most students were in their early twenties so when I was talking about past industry experiences I realized that they were babies by that time (same with my Thesis supervisor). Did I learn anything at Cranfield? My experience was positive. There are obvious things which I did not like but in life not everything is disposed at my wishes. However, because it is so isolated, your new friendships are going to be for live. Even for a mature student like me. I found my best friend there and I can see that many others still keep in touch and spend summer holidays together after many years.You will know how good is a Cranfield degree (even better if you manage Distinction) when you will get a job. It took me one month only after graduation. In the company, after a month they promote me immediately (and I am not the only one that I know it has been). Six months after that, they promote me again becoming manager and they are still afraid I will leave them at any moment.In your interview, you will experience, they will look at your degree and they will whisper Cranfield with admiration.All people I met they had a job after three months maximum (the ones who passes). Beware that I met many that they were expelled from University because they did not pass the bar or standard. If you expect joy, parties, etc., forget it choose somewhere else. Cranfield will not be the place because you will not have time if you pretend to excel. If you are willing to just pass, Why do you want to choose Cranfield? Go somewhere else because your priority is different, perhaps, Universidade Técnica de Angola (Africa) will suit better.I do not say it is the best in Sheffield and Manchester you have great universities, but it is among them for sure.