The Student Room Group
I have a wart on my elbow, it's been there for about a year but my mum has suddenly started going on at me to have it frozen off. Does it hurt to have that done?

claire I had mine frozen off but it didn't hurt! :smile: you can actually buy the freezing stuff from the chemist it's called 'Wartner' and its a DIY job but it does work though :smile: xoxo
Reply 2
I used to have one on my little finger, but one day it just disappeared...erm, i did have a point i just forgot it.
claire I had mine frozen off but it didn't hurt! :smile: you can actually buy the freezing stuff from the chemist it's called 'Wartner' and its a DIY job but it does work though :smile: xoxo

definetly get that stuff it works great! I had a small one on my finger, put one application of it on my finger and within one week it had gone.
It's a bit expensive but well worth it :biggrin:
oh and it doesn't hurt at all..just feels cold obviously :rolleyes:
Reply 4
If you go and have it done at your GP, they freeze it with liquid nitrogen. Doesn't really hurt, just stings a bit and once they take it off, it stops stinging. They usually give it two goes. Usually they turn black in a couple of days and drop off, or at least shrink. However, they will go on their own eventually (I had a small one on the inside of my thumb for about two years and it cleared itself up in the end. It was only small though, so didn't really bother me). Oh, and if you get it done by your local GP, it's completely free.
Reply 5
They should rename this the "witch thread."
Reply 6
I think I may go to the Dr about it, just to make sure that it is a wart! Plus I'm so accident prone that I know something will go wrong if I try and do it myself!