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Vector Differentiation - Suffix Notation.

Having a bit of trouble comprehending the following expression in suffix notation:

Fj (∂/∂xi)Gj

Now it's a sum over j so its

F1(∂/∂xi)G1 + F2(∂/∂xi)G2 + F3(∂/∂xi)G3

= (F1, F2, F3).((∂/∂xi)G1, (∂/∂xi)G2, (∂/∂xi)G3)

= F . ((∂/∂xi)G1, (∂/∂xi)G2, (∂/∂xi)G3)

What is the second bracket? Is it div(G) (i.e factoring out the (∂/∂xi) gives (∂/∂xi)G )

Or is it (grad G1, grad G2, grad G3)?
Reply 1
The monster you have there is something called a tensor - but don't worry about that because you don't need to know it yet. The key to understanding it is to treat the bracket with the Gs like a 3x3 matrix where the ijth element is Gjxi\frac{\partial G_j}{\partial x_i}, and treat F as a vector, and just multiply them out in the appropriate manner. This is what you'd expect - the expression you start with has one free index, so it'll look like a vector.

I think that what's confusing you is that there isn't a common representation for this particular combination. It's not grad or div or anything like that - it's just somethign on its own. There isn't really a nice way to think about it. It took me ages to get to grips with some of the dodgy constructions you get with suffix notation!
Reply 2
I think that what's confusing you is that there isn't a common representation for this particular combination. It's not grad or div or anything like that - it's just somethign on its own.

Yeah, exactly! I'm still struggling to recognise things straight away in terms of suffix notation, so I want to be able to think about what an expression means in terms of recognizable notation... But if there isn't one, that's fine. Thank's a lot for clearing that up! :smile: