Ok, this is probably going to sound like a really weird problem because I haven't heard of anyone in this situaton before, but I hope someone can help me.
I have been at uni for 5 weeks and in those five weeks I have seen my boyfriend once and only because I went home. I am now home for a whole week so will probably see him at some point, but I have loads of people at home and at uni telling me to break up with him, mainly because he can't be bothered the come down and see me at me uni, there is also this guy at uni that i like, who I feel is putting pressure on me to break up with my boyfreind so I can start a relationship with him.
I don't want to break up with my boyfriend but I am finding the long distance relationship and lack of contact really difficult.
Also the other day i got a text from my boyfriend after briefly seeing him, saying something along the lines of 'We could've flirted and pretended we are still together' This confused me a lot because it implies that we are not together at all, so I'm not sure if he has broken up with me an not told me which is unlikely or he has taken it a a given that we have broken up because we have not seen each other, but it is even more confusing as the same night when i saw him he hugged and kissed me, how many people would do that with someone they considered as an ex?
Its just all too confusing as I don't know what my boyfriend is thinking and I don't know whether to break up with him or not. I hope this all makes sense. Please help.