The Student Room Group
99.9% of the time, you will get an unconditional offer if you already have A-levels, and a conditional offer if you haven't taken them yet.

Sorry to disappoint.
Reply 2
Apart from predicted grades and AS grades, are there any other factors that affect of getting a unconditional offer from a university? And what are the chances of getting an uncondtional offer from a good uni like Aston, for example, who want ABB for a course, but your AS Grades were A,C,D,D? :smile:


Generally speaking, only people who have done their A Levels get unconditional offers. Are you sure you don't mean conditional ones?
99.9% of the time, you will get an unconditional offer if you already have A-levels, and a conditional offer if you haven't taken them yet.

Sorry to disappoint.

Damn, you beat me to it! :p:
Well in my case already holding qualifications at grades superior to the requirements was probably the most important factor. Experience in terms of EC/WE etc and how you manage to put this forward in PS or Ref will be pretty important too i expect.
Reply 4
Well, you might get an unconditional if you applied to an EE course and you had AAA at AS, as they know you're already good enough to go there.
Reply 5
Apart from predicted grades and AS grades, are there any other factors that affect of getting a unconditional offer from a university? And what are the chances of getting an uncondtional offer from a good uni like Aston, for example, who want ABB for a course, but your AS Grades were A,C,D,D? :smile:


Wow, I got ACDD at AS too...I'm currently waiting for offers/rejections from my chosen unis and I personally don't think there's that much chance of getting an unconditional offer if your grades aren't very close to ABB.* Though I think a conditional one may just be possible (at least I hope!) I'm not exactly the voice of wisdom though, so don't quote me on it. :p:

*Just read other people's replies; I had no idea that you had to have already done your A-levels to get unconditional offers! Though it makes sense really.
Reply 6
Apart from predicted grades and AS grades, are there any other factors that affect of getting a unconditional offer from a university? And what are the chances of getting an uncondtional offer from a good uni like Aston, for example, who want ABB for a course, but your AS Grades were A,C,D,D? :smile:


I would have to say non-existent in answer to your question! Unconditional offers are almost always given out to people who have already satisfied the entrance requirements, e.g. if you are applying after you leave school or - for some universities - in your final year at school with Scottish Highers. If you were a mature student who had lots of relevant experience, etc. then you might get an unconditional that way. If you weren't taking any further qualifications at the time you applied, then you'd either get a rejection or an unconditional as there wouldn't be anything to base conditions on - though there are some exceptions there like courses making conditions like a clean CRB check. So basically, unless you have already met the entrance conditions (which in your case you haven't by a long way), you almost certainly wouldn't get an unconditional offer.
Jenn xx
Reply 7
Sometimes a uni will give you a super low offer, which is like the equivilent of an unconditional. For example, I got AAABC at AS and took on all five to A2 and got an offer of EE from one uni, who wrote me a letter saying they were "so impressed" that they'd given me a "special low offer". I didn't end up going there, but it was reassuring having that as an insurance, haha.
Reply 8
Lol this kind of goes against what other people have said, but a friend of mine last year applied to a course that wanted 280 points. She only had a C at AS, and she was predicted ABB at A-Level, but she got an unconditional offer (even though she was predicted only 40 points over :confused: ). Weirder still, it was a computing course, and yeah she did have a science AS, but her A-Levels were far from scientific, politics, art and english.
Plus another friend of mine got an offer of EE at Queen Mary's for law (with no interview!!!), which is near enough unconditional lol.