The Student Room Group

Morning after pill


Wonder if you could help me. I slept with my boyfriend earlier today and we used a condom but afterwards he said he was worried it had come down a lot and he thought i should get the morning after pill.

Think i will because it is better to be safe than sorry but was wondering if people could tell me where to get it and how much it costs.

Thanks xx
Reply 1
Family planning clinic or doctors- free. Or you can go into Boots or Superdrug and buy it for around £25. Ask for Levonelle (thats the common brand).
Try and get it ASAP, its effectiveness becomes less the longer after unprotected sex you take it.
If you're worried I guess its better to be safe than sorry.
Google Levonelle for all the info on it.
Hope it all works out!
Reply 2

That is really helpful. I will go to the family planning clinic tomorrow.

Reply 3

That is really helpful. I will go to the family planning clinic tomorrow.


:rolleyes: So much for "ASAP" lol
Reply 4
:rolleyes: So much for "ASAP" lol

It was 9pm! Where was she meant to go? The only place open at that time would be A+E and they get very arsey about people going there for non emergency things.
Reply 5
I'm sure she could use her iniative if she felt in any danger. e.g. call a friend.
Reply 6
I'm sure she could use her iniative if she felt in any danger. e.g. call a friend.

And what would the friend be able to do? Unless it had a time machine and could make all the chemists/FP Clinics open...
Reply 7
Although pharmacies don't have to open after 5pm, some do. The NHS Direct site has a thing to locate your nearest late opening one!
:rolleyes: So much for "ASAP" lol

The morning after pill is effective up to 72 hours after the "incident". Of course it's better to get it ASAP but there is some leeway.
Special Patrol
The morning after pill is effective up to 72 hours after the "incident".
Yes but the longer the time, the less effective it gets !
Reply 10
I know at least around here, there are NO pharmacies open after 7 and that is in the whole of Southampton, even including the supermarket ones. In London they're everywhere. I miss London...
Yes but the longer the time, the less effective it gets !

Absolutely, but she posted this only 20 hours ago. I'd also suggest that she see a doctor and maybe look into a backup contraceptive.
This site has some useful information about the morning after pill :smile:
"This tablet should be taken as soon as possible, preferably within 12 hours and no later than 72 hours after unprotected sex"

"It prevents about 95 per cent of pregnancies from developing if it is taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex. This decreases to an estimated 85 per cent if taken within 24-48 hours and to 58 per cent if taken within 48-72 hours, so it is important to take the first dose as soon as possible"
Reply 13
Its bloody expensive. May i just point out that you'll never do it again once you've forked out for it.

Anyway... get it soon!
Reply 14
I don't know if it's true for all health authorities (I suspect it isn't) but in my home area lots of pharmacies dispense the morning after pill for free - you just look for a 'double-pill' sticker in the window.