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What grades will I need to get into a grammar school sixth form?

Hi, I am currently in year 11 and at the moment I am considering applying into a grammar school called Ilford County Grammar School, but I am confused as to what grades I will actually need to get in order to stand a good chance at getting in there.

Although it states on their website that the minimum Gcse Results that they take are 8 A*-C's I know those grades arent going to guarantee me a place there because it's massively over-subscribes and lots of people with better grades than that would be applying there.

I would like to hear information from people who might have went to a grammar school sixth form, or think that they might know what grades would probably be required to get in there.

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Reply 1
grammar schools still exist?
Mine had the same kind of requirements but you needed a B in the subjects you wanted to do/preferably an A
Mine just needs i think 9 - 11 A* - C GCSES
and need a B/A to do the subjects you want.

Mine a girls grammar though, its lower boy the boys one.
Theres loads in kent.
(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 4
There used to be Grammar schools and Comprehensive schools, but neither of these exist anymore.
There are simply private schools, or state what do you mean by a 'grammar' school?
My grammar school wanted 9 A's at GCSE in any subject obviously in any you may want to take at A-level. And yes grammar schools exist! They are all over the west midlands! I'd say in general grammar schools would want A's in the subjects you want to take in sixth form
Well I go to an All-boys grammar school, and for internal candidates they require 8 A*-B, and A's in all subjects you want to study at A level (and A* for F.Maths). But for external candidates, there are only 10 spaces, so very over-subscribed. Generally they ask for 6A*'s and the rest A's. But this really does depend on your sixth form, as my school is ranked in the top 5 (Times Online). Hope this helps.
The grammar school in my area (only one in my city) took people with grades from 1 A*,4As,3Bs (a boy from my school got in with these grades). There are fifty places. The best were around 5A*s and 6As or something like that.
I read your opening post as saying you need 8 A* grades just to get in, I was really getting worried as I read all the nonchalant responses! :tongue:

Anyway I go to a grammar school sixth form. I went there for years 9-11 as well though, and I think the people who went there got a sort of priority. We had about 75 people in the year in those years, but the sixth form has 100-150, not quite sure haha. We had to have a B, preferably an A in the subjects we wanted to study and 5 A*-C GCSEs. I didn't have to have the added stress of the interview because I already went to the school, but those who did get interviewed said it wasn't too bad because the interviewers were nice. Which is alway sgood.
Original post by my9rides
There used to be Grammar schools and Comprehensive schools, but neither of these exist anymore.
There are simply private schools, or state what do you mean by a 'grammar' school?

They do exist i go to one.
Original post by my9rides
There used to be Grammar schools and Comprehensive schools, but neither of these exist anymore.
There are simply private schools, or state what do you mean by a 'grammar' school?

A grammar school is a selective state school.
taking the most smartest students.
Original post by Rubbaduckzilla
A grammar school is a selective state school.
taking the most smartest students.

...or the ones who have been tutored all their lives for the 11+ exams. :wink:
Reply 12
Original post by NGC773
Im sure it varies quite a bit from sixth form to sixth form. At mine you needed 5 Cs including >C in English/Maths.

Is this a Grammar School?! minimum 5 Cs?!?!
Reply 13
Original post by my9rides
There used to be Grammar schools and Comprehensive schools, but neither of these exist anymore.
There are simply private schools, or state what do you mean by a 'grammar' school?

Trust me they still exist, they call themselves grammar schools but they are actually just highly selective comprehensive schools
Original post by Medicine Man
...or the ones who have been tutored all their lives for the 11+ exams. :wink:

Yet despite that they don't get in? I know many people who have gone to private schools and have been tutored for years yet haven't got in. So there must be something more to getting in than just learning the types of questions.
Reply 15
Grammar schools generally take the best of those who apply for sixth form, so go for a smattering of A*s As and a few Bs! Or just go for all A*s to be on the safe side?
Reply 16
Original post by Rubbaduckzilla
A grammar school is a selective state school.
taking the most smartest students.

do you go to a grammar school? :rolleyes:

oh, and you do realise you can find smart people in normal non-selective state schools? of course, most sixth forms even at these schools are selective anyway so it doesn't really matter whether or not the whole school is selective or not.
Original post by UnheardSounds
Yet despite that they don't get in? I know many people who have gone to private schools and have been tutored for years yet haven't got in. So there must be something more to getting in than just learning the types of questions.

I can counter your argument with anecdotal examples of people who've been tutored and have got in. I went to a grammar school.
Reply 18
Original post by lilzoldier
Hi, I am currently in year 11 and at the moment I am considering applying into a grammar school called Ilford County Grammar School, but I am confused as to what grades I will actually need to get in order to stand a good chance at getting in there.

Although it states on their website that the minimum Gcse Results that they take are 8 A*-C's I know those grades arent going to guarantee me a place there because it's massively over-subscribes and lots of people with better grades than that would be applying there.

I would like to hear information from people who might have went to a grammar school sixth form, or think that they might know what grades would probably be required to get in there.

Hi, I am currently a student at Ilford County High and joined last year for sixth form as an external. You should aim to achieve A*s in the particular GCSE subjects that you intent to pursue to A level. Once you have submitted your application, you will be invited to a one-to-one interview where you really have to sell yourself. Highlight your own personal skills, extra curricular activities and how you can contribute to life in the sixth form. Hope this helps. :smile:
Reply 19
I go to a grammar school and to get back into sixth form we need

at least 4A's and 4B's including;
at least a B in Maths AND English.
at least a C in any MFL

However, I have heard (I'm not certain) that for students from another school to get into our sixth form they need 7 A*'s.