At the moment I am in the same school which I was in to do my GCSEs. The sixth form is actually the third best in the city (so says the BBC), and it is a state school. I thought I was happy in my school; I love the people, I like the school in general. But since I've come back, there is an element of same-old-same, and I find that I'm so bored with the everyday that I'm not putting the effort in that I should be.
Also, at present I am doing the usual 4 AS Levels inside school (Eng Lit, Hist, Bio and Phy) as well as Chemistry at college outside of school. This is because my subjects clashed (I wanted to do Chem). If I moved school I would probably only be allowed to take the usual 4 again and I'm indecisive as to what I would drop. (I can't see any point continuing my College course because it is truly awful). So would I carry on with Physics or do Chemistry, which I do actually really want to do, but I will have missed a lot because my college teacher was crap.
Anyway, I'm rambling, that's not really what I'm asking. What I'm asking is do you think it is too late to change schools and apply elsewhere? Will they consider me because it is this late into the term? Basically, is it plausible or not? Not that I've decided where I want to go or anything, but I'm bored out of my wits at the moment...