The Student Room Group

Is It Too Late to Move Schools?

At the moment I am in the same school which I was in to do my GCSEs. The sixth form is actually the third best in the city (so says the BBC), and it is a state school. I thought I was happy in my school; I love the people, I like the school in general. But since I've come back, there is an element of same-old-same, and I find that I'm so bored with the everyday that I'm not putting the effort in that I should be.

Also, at present I am doing the usual 4 AS Levels inside school (Eng Lit, Hist, Bio and Phy) as well as Chemistry at college outside of school. This is because my subjects clashed (I wanted to do Chem). If I moved school I would probably only be allowed to take the usual 4 again and I'm indecisive as to what I would drop. (I can't see any point continuing my College course because it is truly awful). So would I carry on with Physics or do Chemistry, which I do actually really want to do, but I will have missed a lot because my college teacher was crap.

Anyway, I'm rambling, that's not really what I'm asking. What I'm asking is do you think it is too late to change schools and apply elsewhere? Will they consider me because it is this late into the term? Basically, is it plausible or not? Not that I've decided where I want to go or anything, but I'm bored out of my wits at the moment...
Reply 1
I think everyone will experience boredom due to routine in schools. I've been going to the same school since I was 7, and it has gotten bloody tedious, but its only two more years of it and I've developed lasting bonds with quite a few people at this school so I haven't found much reason for moving.

If you feel you must move to a different school, then do it quickly because you don't want to move in the midst of modules and coursework. I think it is plausible because I know a few people who had made arrangements to move but were conditioned out of it by their tutors at their original school.

The real question is, how do you feel you'll work (in terms of grades) in your original school compared to one which you may (potentially) move to, carrying on with the same subjects?
Reply 2
I changed after the AS exams and havent had a problem. But you need to stick it out til then at least becase different schools do different exam boards... so you'll be behind or something. If at the end of your AS exams you want a change, go for it.
Reply 3
depends which one it is, my one will take anyone around october/november though its considerably worse than where u are now
Reply 4
I changed then I missed my old school so bad, I still do:frown: and I will always want to go back, so if I had the chance again, I wouldnt move(then again the personal reasons I had for moving were pretty plausible) but are you sure you wont miss the school, the atmosphere, the friends, etc?
How about doing some research into other schools in your area and seeing if there are any you like the sound of, then contacting them to see if they'd take you? It's worth remembering that you'll have to start all over again making friends (when most people will probably already have formed groups), getting to know the teachers, finding out where everything is etc and as LawHopeful said, they might do different exam boards. I don't know how much of a problem that would be for biology or physics, but for English lit or history it could mean you'd have to start again with different texts and modules and it would be a lot of work to catch up. As for whether you should stick with physics or change to chemistry, I'd say chemistry because you sound like you'll really enjoy it, although it will of course mean yet more catching up. Also, it's very likely that none of the other schools will be as good as the one you're at now, so that's something else to consider. Have a serious think about it and discuss it with family and friends because it's an important decision, but you'll need to act quickly if you want to change.
Reply 6
its not too late if you aply to a collage you can be there by january
Reply 7
At the moment I am in the same school which I was in to do my GCSEs. The sixth form is actually the third best in the city (so says the BBC), and it is a state school. I thought I was happy in my school; I love the people, I like the school in general. But since I've come back, there is an element of same-old-same, and I find that I'm so bored with the everyday that I'm not putting the effort in that I should be.

Also, at present I am doing the usual 4 AS Levels inside school (Eng Lit, Hist, Bio and Phy) as well as Chemistry at college outside of school. This is because my subjects clashed (I wanted to do Chem). If I moved school I would probably only be allowed to take the usual 4 again and I'm indecisive as to what I would drop. (I can't see any point continuing my College course because it is truly awful). So would I carry on with Physics or do Chemistry, which I do actually really want to do, but I will have missed a lot because my college teacher was crap.

Anyway, I'm rambling, that's not really what I'm asking. What I'm asking is do you think it is too late to change schools and apply elsewhere? Will they consider me because it is this late into the term? Basically, is it plausible or not? Not that I've decided where I want to go or anything, but I'm bored out of my wits at the moment...
You seem to have decided that you want to move on an impulse, without really thinking it through logically. It also seems quite silly, that you are willing to go through all the potential polava because you're bored at your school. Hunny, we're all bored from time to time; it's called life. It's probably a phase which you'll either get used to or grow out of. In any case, this is a point in your life when you shouldn't be chopping and changing. If you did go to a new school, imagine how many new - and unnecessary - distractions there would be; making friends, getting to know the place, learning how things are 'done', etc... It's not really worth it at this stage. Anyway, make up your mind soon otherwise it really will be too late.
Reply 8
It's not really on impulse. It was originally, but I haven't decided yesterday that I wanted to move schoools, I've been relatively bored/unstimulated/unhappy since term started. As kellywood_5 says, I have been looking around and I have two which I like the sound of. I just think I need to be in an environment where I want to work and learn and do well, if I am going to do well, and at the moment, my school has lost that for me. I honestly couldn't care less. And I've been through phases of boredome before but I feel like this is different. Also, in GCSEs you can be bored for a whole year and then still do well at the end of it. From what I hear AS and A-Level aren't like that, you need to be into it from the off.

Anyway, thankyou to every single respondant, you've all helped a lot. :smile:
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Reply 11
Two girls I know switched to a nearby college at the beginning of October after nearly a month in my sixth form. I'm not sure if it would be possible to change now but I don't suppose there's any harm in asking someone about it.