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Reply 1
no don't write that down they'll think you're pushing it well beyond reasonable. if you get an offer and accept it and then sit A2s and find out the teacher switch is a problem and you are likely to underperform then contact them.
Reply 2
To be honest, as you know about it and it is just revision, you would probably be expected to deal with it yourself. However if you feel it could seriously affect your marks, state it as a possible problem. If you know you won't have a substitute teacher, then definitely mention it.
Reply 3
Ok thanks. I didn't think it was that serious, unlike what a friend suggested.

But since it is govt, I'm most likely doomed.
Reply 4
Ah you never know! I always thought my worst class was music, and now its now the one I'm planning on doing at Cambridge! Shows you never know how tings will work out...
I haven't had any difficulties with the teaching in my classes of A-level equivalent as of yet, so would future difficulties count?

Future as in - my government/politics teacher is pregnant and will leave a month before exams - the exact month she's supposed to be helping us review a yr's worth of stuff, leaving us to self-study and doom?

Or is that not even considered a difficulty?

No, just leave it blank or write no difficulties. IMO it makes absolutely no difference. If they are going to offer you a place then it will be because they believe you have potential, not because of anything else.
So how serious would you say it has to be before you can mention it as a difficulty? I don't have my SAQ yet, but my sociology teacher for crime and deviance (the synoptic) is absolutely useless. All she does is give out handouts and tell us to read them later. She never explains anything, even when asked, and sometimes I get the very strong feeling she doesn't know herself what she's talking about! My school also somehow managed to come up with a timetable where all history lessons and all sociology lessons clashed even though 3 of us do both, so for the first 4 weeks or so I only had half the number of lessons for each, and even now, I have no coursework lesson for sociology. Worth mentioning or not?

Edit: Oh, and we also have an hour less of French per week than we should because of timetable problems and I'm applying for languages!!!
Reply 7
So how serious would you say it has to be before you can mention it as a difficulty? I don't have my SAQ yet, but my sociology teacher for crime and deviance (the synoptic) is absolutely useless. All she does is give out handouts and tell us to read them later. She never explains anything, even when asked, and sometimes I get the very strong feeling she doesn't know herself what she's talking about! My school also somehow managed to come up with a timetable where all history lessons and all sociology lessons clashed even though 3 of us do both, so for the first 4 weeks or so I only had half the number of lessons for each, and even now, I have no coursework lesson for sociology. Worth mentioning or not?

Edit: Oh, and we also have an hour less of French per week than we should because of timetable problems and I'm applying for languages!!!

Unfortunately, everyone has bad teachers. I would reccomend mentioning the french, as that is more relevant, but if you make too much of a fuss it looks like you can't cope, (even though you clearly are at the moment). They don't know your final UMS scores for A level, so as long as you scrape the A by a few marks it doesn't matter if its not 100%!
Reply 8
how about, my english teacher setting the courswork on teh wrong sylabuss than th exam, so while i got an A on that sylabuss-- it went down to a B when marked for the sylabuss we were meant to be doing because it was marked against a different set of objectives?
and also we didnt have an art teacher from decembre to june, but i dont think that effected my mark as art is independant work anyway.
Reply 9
how stupid is your english teacher? God...I feel so fortunate. I mean we always complain about teachers but they never do **** like that...
I'm applying for English Literature and I've had both my teachers go on maternity leave, leaving me with substitutes for the first term of my A Levels. Would you write about that?
So how serious would you say it has to be before you can mention it as a difficulty? I don't have my SAQ yet, but my sociology teacher for crime and deviance (the synoptic) is absolutely useless. All she does is give out handouts and tell us to read them later. She never explains anything, even when asked, and sometimes I get the very strong feeling she doesn't know herself what she's talking about! My school also somehow managed to come up with a timetable where all history lessons and all sociology lessons clashed even though 3 of us do both, so for the first 4 weeks or so I only had half the number of lessons for each, and even now, I have no coursework lesson for sociology. Worth mentioning or not?

Edit: Oh, and we also have an hour less of French per week than we should because of timetable problems and I'm applying for languages!!!

I have less Spanish time and we're all crap! :frown: Sod's law that the Spanish teachers are the crap ones! I had to give my Spanish teacher the right specification for our coursework because he gave us one that is over 5 years old. Incompetence isn't the right word...
how stupid is your english teacher? God...I feel so fortunate. I mean we always complain about teachers but they never do **** like that...

yea.. my school isnt the best :eek: our english department is the best out of all the others as well!
how about, my english teacher setting the courswork on teh wrong sylabuss than th exam, so while i got an A on that sylabuss-- it went down to a B when marked for the sylabuss we were meant to be doing because it was marked against a different set of objectives?
and also we didnt have an art teacher from decembre to june, but i dont think that effected my mark as art is independant work anyway.

One of our English teachers taught the whole set the wrong thing for the exam and nobody noticed and they all couldn't do the exam. Woops... Someone still got a high A on that paper even though they didn't know the text and got rejected from all 6 English unis....crazy!
why?! thats scary, they clearly have a natural talent for English, .. was it their personal statment or something?
why?! thats scary, they clearly have a natural talent for English, .. was it their personal statment or something?

I don't know, I know he was amazing at English though, everyone was surprised when he got rejected from Oxford but to get rejected from all 6 was ridiculous! He went throught extra in the end though.
If you think it matters, write it down. Simple.
I'm applying for English Literature and I've had both my teachers go on maternity leave, leaving me with substitutes for the first term of my A Levels. Would you write about that?

If you think it matters, then, fine. However, what would be worse is if your teachers went off and the school didn't provide substitutes (as happened to me)
Reply 17

If you think it matters, then, fine. However, what would be worse is if your teachers went off and the school didn't provide substitutes (as happened to me)

God that's terrible! My high school did that to us in about three subjects just before our GCSEs, needless to say I wasn't too happy.
Reply 19
my school sounds great now...