A few days ago I posted a thread asking whether I should go and see a doctor about the cough I've had since I got to uni. I went on Monday and she listened to my lungs and said they were clear. She basically said I should take ibuprofen for my (non-existent) sore throat, wait for the cough to go away, and in the mean time get plenty of sleep.
I tried to explain to her that this cough is stopping me from sleeping. I can't actually sleep until I've reached the point of exhaustion. If I go to bed at midnight, I'll lie awake coughing until 5 or 6 in the morning, and then, because I've been thinking about god knows what for the last 6 hours, I'll have really weird, disturbed dreams, mainly about my ex boyfriend, my mum, and other people in my life. If I'm then supposed to get up at 8 and do some work, I'll sleep in until 10, then go to my lecture, then come home and sleep again. I don't mean to, it's just that I only have 6 contact hours per week at uni, and all my flatmates are scientists, so there's no one around during the day and it's really quiet and quite lonely. So I'll just lie down for two minutes because I'm knackered, and five hours later, I'll wake up completely disorientated.
What can I do? I can't get back into proper sleep cycles until the cough goes, but the cough won't go while I'm still run-down, and in the mean time, I'm not doing any work. I've been to every lecture, seminar and tutorial, but when it comes to doing private study, I just can't keep my eyes open. I'm contantly tired, but when I lie down in the dark with the intention of going to sleep, I can't. We're three weeks into the academic term, and a quarter of the teaching block has gone already. I have an essay due in next week which I don't have the energy to even start. What can I do? My doctor is completely useless and I'm getting desperate.
Also, I'm going home this weekend, and my mum will know as soon as she sees me that all is not well. That's not a good thing. Help!