The Student Room Group


Ive had a dip in health - physical and mental - say the last ten days...i know this may seem ludicrious (sp inc?) but fitness for me, exercise is massively important - i do it because im otherwise pretty much screwed with anxiety, and get panic attacks when i have uni presentations each term, which usually amount to 4 per term, one every two weeks....last ten days ive been mildly depressed, i don't know if some people are born with just screwed up genetics and with a proness to feeling more down, but feels that way to me...havent been able to exercise in last two weeks because of shin splints, i go jogging to rid my body and mind of anxiety...unfortunately been unable to do so last two weeks - i run because i have fear of having anxiety and panic...and its back i suggest to anyone who has anxiety and panic, try exercise and lots of it, because i come to increasingly appreciate how much it can do for you...i think these days there can often be willy-nilly medicines given out...ok some may need, cases where they are warranted...i used to take propranol ahd have had to this last week but ideally wouldnt want to had i been fit whereby anxiety and panic can be comfortably controlled and out of sight. When i do use propranol, later that afternoon i feel down and for me drugs aren't the answer, exercise has been over the last two years.

So to anybody out there - seriously consider exercise...because last two weeks for me have been pretty hellish - felt pretty depressed because of anxiety and panic..

Reply 1
Cool Ive been thinking of doing some exersise I actually quit running cause of anxiety/panic cause i thought it would make it worse as its hard to get home if your panicking expecially if its jogging distance away..if that made sense.
I hate talking about this it sounds so pathetic to the 'normal' folk lol but once you know it exists and have it its hard to get rid of. I felt anxious on the way to a concert today and my mum was telling me its subconcious attention seeking, im not gonna ruin her night out etc, she might be right but if I could choose I wouldn't put myself through all this anxiety just to get attention.

Anyway hope you get back exersising soon..:biggrin: Anyone know what causes anxiety anyway? Its not the same type of anxiety as the type say when gving a presentation, before going on a rollercoaster theres something more depressing about it I don't understand!
Reply 2
Hey wizard, that sounds like the same way I behave. Several years of a crappy lifestyle: not eating particularly well, not sleeping very well, getting too drunk occasionally have taken their toll. Healthwise, I appear fine but when it comes to other things, I'm in a bit of a mess.

There are many reports which claim that regular exercise reduces anxiety and has huge benefits when it comes to your mental health.

I used to do this during exam time. I'd be so stressed out from lack of sleep and revising and worrying, that I'd go for a run in the evening before an exam.
Personally, I never really noticed that much difference.

But I'm still intrigued to see that there's someone who has the same attitude: go jogging when you're overwhelmed with stress. I think you should think about sleeping well too, if you can't exercise at the moment.

What's even stranger is that I took the same medication as you but only for about a week the first time and then 2 weeks the second time. It just didn't seem to be that efficient.
yes i only use propranolol to well "make sure" - a reassurance there, bit of a back up - at my optimum fitness, ny anxiety and possibilities for panic attacks are really minimal...i usually find that propranolol works best when im at my healthiest, or close to my healthiest and just use say half a 40mg tablet...i can feel the effects of propranolol and rather not use it but occasionally i will have to - effects: tendency to sweat more but strangely body is cooler, a cold sweat and just feel a bit low - but im willing to put with these side-effects for 10 hrs or so rather than having panic attack. my body is a nervous wreck when im not fit or feel as though im losing fitness, and i do get depressed, not the just feeling low, im not loosely using "im feeling well depressed" like many can do, i do have mild depression, quite bad when im not so healthy...i have been mildly depressed for last ten days and ive missed some hours this week at uni because i feel horrendous...going to start walking again and slowly build up into a jog to test my shins and if they have recovered.

I'll be alright but feeling very low at moment
Reply 4
i have exactly what u guys have, anything minorly depressing i start panicking
Reply 5
Cool Ive been thinking of doing some exersise I actually quit running cause of anxiety/panic cause i thought it would make it worse as its hard to get home if your panicking expecially if its jogging distance away..if that made sense.
I hate talking about this it sounds so pathetic to the 'normal' folk lol but once you know it exists and have it its hard to get rid of. I felt anxious on the way to a concert today and my mum was telling me its subconcious attention seeking, im not gonna ruin her night out etc, she might be right but if I could choose I wouldn't put myself through all this anxiety just to get attention.

Anyway hope you get back exersising soon..:biggrin: Anyone know what causes anxiety anyway? Its not the same type of anxiety as the type say when gving a presentation, before going on a rollercoaster theres something more depressing about it I don't understand!

It's not attention seeking, don't worry. Just because she doesn't understand it and it's kind of annoying her doesn't mean that. Check this out:
I'm not surprised jogging tends to work - it releases endorphins. When I'm feeling low I tend to go for a walk (as my fitness level can't sustain a run!) Even in the rain and cold I always feel better.