Ive had a dip in health - physical and mental - say the last ten days...i know this may seem ludicrious (sp inc?) but fitness for me, exercise is massively important - i do it because im otherwise pretty much screwed with anxiety, and get panic attacks when i have uni presentations each term, which usually amount to 4 per term, one every two weeks....last ten days ive been mildly depressed, i don't know if some people are born with just screwed up genetics and with a proness to feeling more down, but feels that way to me...havent been able to exercise in last two weeks because of shin splints, i go jogging to rid my body and mind of anxiety...unfortunately been unable to do so last two weeks - i run because i have fear of having anxiety and panic...and its back now...so i suggest to anyone who has anxiety and panic, try exercise and lots of it, because i come to increasingly appreciate how much it can do for you...i think these days there can often be willy-nilly medicines given out...ok some may need, cases where they are warranted...i used to take propranol ahd have had to this last week but ideally wouldnt want to had i been fit whereby anxiety and panic can be comfortably controlled and out of sight. When i do use propranol, later that afternoon i feel down and dozy...so for me drugs aren't the answer, exercise has been over the last two years.
So to anybody out there - seriously consider exercise...because last two weeks for me have been pretty hellish - felt pretty depressed because of anxiety and panic..