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My lips burning like mad (not sure whether it's dryness?)

For the past week or so my lips have been burning like hell. They are also red and a bit swollen.

At first I thought it was severe dry lips (I get dry lips/skin a lot due to a medical condition - so I usually have to use lipbalm every day) so I've been using lipbalm religiously and drinking lots of water. However it doesn't seem to be making much difference.

It hurts to eat/talk/move my mouth in any way. The only thing that soothes the pain (temporarily) is ice.

My parents are telling me to go to the GP but I don't want to go there for her just to say 'it's chapped lips' or something ...

But this isn't normal ... right?

Is there anything I can get for severe chapped/dry lips? I tried chapstick but seems to just be making it worse (vaseline is working better at the moment).

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Too much fellatio.
Considering we are all students, none of us are doctors...
Is it the outer edges of your lips that burn?

I normally apply vaseline/chapstick quite religiously, and a similar thing happened to me a couple of months ago when I was working non-stop (and therefore couldn't stop to apply any) with no hydration for hours and hours. It felt a lot worse than it looked, but it went away after a couple of days.
Reply 4
Go to Church?

Pentecostal Church yes?
Reply 5
i think you have a cold sore. buy some blistex or zovirax, and use it constantly.
Reply 6
Who cares if they just tell you it's chapped lips? It could be something worse! Just go to your GP...
Reply 7
Original post by Something_Ironic
Considering we are all students, none of us are doctors...

I guess I just want to know whether it's 'normal' or whether anyone else has experienced it? - I hear the phrase 'chapped lips' a lot - especially around winter - so I don't want to visit a doctor if there's a possibility it's just dry lips and will go away with a product I can buy myself.
Reply 8
Funny Ive had this today. I was out in the cold a lot last night do I'm thinking if might be that..
Reply 9
Original post by Retrospect
Is it the outer edges of your lips that burn?

I normally apply vaseline/chapstick quite religiously, and a similar thing happened to me a couple of months ago when I was working non-stop (and therefore couldn't stop to apply any) with no hydration for hours and hours. It felt a lot worse than it looked, but it went away after a couple of days.

It's the whole lips that burn but the corners look very red (like the redness is extending beyond the natural lip line, if that makes sense).
Original post by Ninat
I guess I just want to know whether it's 'normal' or whether anyone else has experienced it? - I hear the phrase 'chapped lips' a lot - especially around winter - so I don't want to visit a doctor if there's a possibility it's just dry lips and will go away with a product I can buy myself.

Yeah sorry for my sarcastic rudeness :s-smilie:

I'd suggest you go to a doctor to get that checked.
Original post by Ninat
It's the whole lips that burn but the corners look very red (like the redness is extending beyond the natural lip line, if that makes sense).

Yeah, that sounds very similar to what I had. I don't know how long it's been, but make sure you have waited it out a couple of days (unless you see any further changes or it gets worse quite suddenly) before deciding what to do. People blindly suggesting a GP visit; get a grip. :lolwut:
This will sound weird but I highly recommend smothering your lips in honey. I had the worst lips ever last year - actually couldn't stand the pain but honey has an ingredient that appeases the aggravation. just put some on your finger and rub it in a couple of times its sticky and you can't really leave the house with it but it helps :smile:
Reply 13
Reply 14
Original post by Samrout

No it's just general redness
If I were you I would go to a pharmacy and ask a pharmacist to have a look and see if they can give you anything or whether they think you need to go to your GP.
Reply 16
Stop sucking penis then and act straight!
Reply 17
Stop sucking penis then and act straight!

Oh how original, you're only the 4th person to make that joke in this thread. :rolleyes:
Original post by Retrospect
Is it the outer edges of your lips that burn?

I normally apply vaseline/chapstick quite religiously, and a similar thing happened to me a couple of months ago when I was working non-stop (and therefore couldn't stop to apply any) with no hydration for hours and hours. It felt a lot worse than it looked, but it went away after a couple of days.

Original post by Ninat
For the past week or so my lips have been burning like hell. They are also red and a bit swollen.

At first I thought it was severe dry lips (I get dry lips/skin a lot due to a medical condition - so I usually have to use lipbalm every day) so I've been using lipbalm religiously and drinking lots of water. However it doesn't seem to be making much difference.

It hurts to eat/talk/move my mouth in any way. The only thing that soothes the pain (temporarily) is ice.

My parents are telling me to go to the GP but I don't want to go there for her just to say 'it's chapped lips' or something ...

But this isn't normal ... right?

Is there anything I can get for severe chapped/dry lips? I tried chapstick but seems to just be making it worse (vaseline is working better at the moment).

DO NOT use Vaseline on dry lips. My lips are pretty bad atm but used to be worse (red and flakey all around my lips too, I looked like the joker!) and I used Vaseline all the time, but it never went away. I then read that you shouldn't use petroleum based products (vaseline is petroleum jelly) as they soothe them for a bit but actually dehydrate them in the long run. I'm now using Blistex Relief Cream which is the one that can be used for cold sores as well. It's much better than Vaseline but my lips are still dry, guess I'll just have to wait for spring! I've also read to brush your lips with a toothbrush twice a week to get rid of the dry skin. Hope yours get better soon!
Reply 19
Original post by Ninat
Oh how original, you're only the 4th person to make that joke in this thread. :rolleyes:

Well then i suggest you take heed.