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Reply 1
hey guys
im at uni and so suprisingly dont get very much sleep = was having a conversation this morning discussing how we consider midnight an early night! but im coping and all - just wondering roughly how many hours sleep do other people actually get?!


0 if im sleeping round a mates, 10 if im not.
Reply 2
not many i don't normally go to sleep till gone midnight either and im poorly at the moment so thats not doing my health much good but i get up late and im still tired i think i sleep to much the less sleep i get the more awake i am (unless hungover) sounds abit strange
Reply 3
hey guys
im at uni and so suprisingly dont get very much sleep = was having a conversation this morning discussing how we consider midnight an early night! but im coping and all - just wondering roughly how many hours sleep do other people actually get?!


Depends on when I start class. :biggrin: If I can stay in bed til 11, perfect. If I have a lecture at 9: tough luck. I usually go to bed between 1 and 2 am, unless I go out, then it's between 2 and 3.
I really need 8 hours of sleep a night. Since I've been at uni I've been having a lot less though :rolleyes: , including a couple of one-nighters which are really awful but do take you to an otherwordly state of consciousness I find! :biggrin:
Reply 5
I get by on 2 or 3 a night, but need more if I'm ill! I've always been a crap sleeper :blushing:
Reply 6
hey guys
im at uni and so suprisingly dont get very much sleep = was having a conversation this morning discussing how we consider midnight an early night! but im coping and all - just wondering roughly how many hours sleep do other people actually get?!


4.51 hours.

With lots of love xx. :smile:
Reply 7
Midnight is an early night! Let no-one deceive you!
I've noticed I seem to go to bed later at Uni though - usually 2-3am is my normal bedtime! Fortunately I'm a history student, so I have few lectures/seminars, and they're all in the afternoon anyway! :biggrin:
Reply 8
My sleeping patterns were all over the place...getting to bed at midnight and getting 7 hours sleep was usually an achievement
Reply 9
I don't function on less then 8 hours sleep
Reply 10
i think im averaging about 4-6 hours.... usually get to bed between 2-4 and then get up 7-8...
Reply 11
i think im averaging about 4-6 hours.... usually get to bed between 2-4 and then get up 7-8...

ouch, I'd probably fall asleep by afternoon lectures if I did that...
Reply 12
Getting to sleep around 2am, getting up at around 7:30am. So, about 5.5 hours.
Reply 13
not enough. 7.5 is optimal for a normal lifestyle.
when i competing in bodybuilding it was 9ish.
Reply 14
Usually have around 7 hours. Any more and I'm just tired all day.
Reply 15
devinetly about 6 hours or wow you get nacerd!!!!
Reply 16
yeah i know i should try and get more - but i still havent fallen asleep in a lecture yet (but i have been oooooh soooo clooose!)
usually go to sleep around 4-5, get up around 11-12, if ive got an early lecture will plan on going to bed earlier but usually dont...
Reply 18
as im on work placement at the moment i need a good sleep otherwise im knackered for work n fall asleep

usually sleep bout 12 wake up at half 7!

weekends sleep bout 4am wake up when ever i get up really
Reply 19
I get 6... and I'm constantly shattered.... oh well