The Student Room Group
Reply 1
It's also known as chronic fatigue syndrome

-Tired to the point of exhaustion all the time
-Lack of motivation
-Muscle tiredness
-Short-term memory loss
-General immunal disfunction symptoms - headaches, joint problems etc.
-Need for more sleep but also an inability to sleep productively for a full night.
Reply 2
Ah ... What does 'ME' stand for?
Reply 3
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Reply 4
That sounds remarkably similar to how I feel most of the time :eek:
Reply 5
It's not just feeling a bit tired though, this is a crippling, debilitating tiredness that means people can sometimes barely walk or get out of bed. It can be triggered by some kind of viral disease or have no apparent cause at all.

Here is some more information, though it's a bit wordy
Reply 6
Perhaps I'm getting a little paranoid lately...
Reply 7
It is a serious illness. Someone close to me suffers badly from it and it has effected her whole life. She has had it now for over 10 years so is not expected to 'recover' from it (it is commen for it to be a relatively short term (5-7 years) illness or can be permenant.

Generally she can do something 'out of the ordinary' one day i.e. go shopping for a couple of hours or something a little stressful/tiring and she will probably have to spend the following days to a week recovering from it. Sleeping is incredibly difficult which as you can imagine does not help.

It is also incredibly difficult to diagnose and she is now on a complete myriad of tablets each day to control the symptoms it to some extent. It is also a very cyclic illness...she can go for weeks without too many ill effects and then run through a bad patch.

It is something that is paid too little attention and has very little support for sufferers. Awareness is very low and until fairly recently it was regarded as a illness of the lazy.
Reply 8
Simple as that really, what are the symptoms?
what makes you ask... u ok?
Reply 9
My mum has had M.E for about 14 years now, it was so bad in the earlier years that she had to be in a wheel chair. She has to have regular rests and like what anna_pennell said in her post, she can now go out for little bits but if she over does it, it will take a long time to recover. In the beginning all the doctors apart from one didn't believe in it and it was soul destroying for her for them to be questioning that it existed when it is such an awlful illness that she was having to endure. It is horrible when people simplify it because it isn't simple at all which is shown by the fact that doctors who can't understand it choose not to believe in it...